Rachel McAdams' understated "Yes." is close but not quite redeeming.

Jul 02, 2007 23:33

It should be mandatory that the addresses and phone numbers of all people involved in making a movie be made available to audiences. I only bring this up because I recently was treated to the worst written line in the entire history of cinema and really wish I could send a letter to its author. Not too surprisingly, it came from "Wedding Crashers." My feelings on the movie as a whole are lukewarm. I laughed, but at the same time how many fucking times can you quote the grandma insulting Eleanor Roosevelt and her gay grandson before it gets old?

Anyway, the offending line comes during the climactic wedding scene where Owen Wilson confronts the asshole who's engaged to Rachel McAdams and they end up together. Just before the requisite kiss, Owen spits this out: "Would it be a total cliché if I kissed you right now?" Now I've seen this movie a few times and last week was not the first time I'd heard the line, but I have been furious since the most recent viewing. I wanted to scream. I wanted to hit someone. I wanted things to not exist anymore because they were obliterated by me hitting them with a baseball bat.

Cliché is a dangerous word. It has its place, yes, but nine times out of ten it is cringe-inducing in its implementation. To say that the line under discussion is cringe inducing simply does not do justice to how bad it really is, particularly in the context of the rest of the movie. Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn talk really fast and witty, act like immature jack-asses, and pull off outrageously inappropriate stunts? Wacky misadventures! Zany buddy comedy! I mean for the love of God, the surprise cameo is WILL FUCKING FERREL. Let me answer your question with another question, Owen. Would it be a total cliché for you to make this entire movie?

I mean Jesus Fuck! How many people did that line have to get past? How many people read/heard that and went “Oh yeah, that’s great!”? It boggles my mind. I am so choked up with rage that I can’t even articulate my feelings out loud beyond repeating “Oh my God,” until someone gets fed up with me riding my cinematic/grammatical-high-horse indoors and makes me shut up about twelve fucking words. But seriously, OH MY GOD!
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