Normally, after a show as good as the RX Bandits I would rant and rave for paragraphs on end about how good it was. I'm not going to do that here. I will abstain from word play and euphemisms, leaving it at "It was a really good show."
Considering that Paul from the Frankl Project was almost crushed to death during "Decrescendo" (The song they ended on.) and the above happened while I and others were trying to save other people from being crushed during "To Our Unborn Daughters," I'm really pretty surprised that this was the worst thing to happen. Absolutely, positively, 100% worth the price of admission and new glasses though.
-----EDIT 3-5-07 3:55AM-----
Here is how the glasses were broken: You might assume that the glasses were knocked off and trampled in the pit. Were it any other band, that would be a logical guess. But this isn't just any band, this is the RX Bandits.
The RX Bandits broke the glasses right off of my face just by playing music. They are that good. THEY CAN DESTROY OBJECTS WITH THEIR MUSIC. If they were not pacifists, they could be used as a non-lethal super weapon by the military. Any enemy soldiers' equipment, tanks, or IEDs within earshot would either stop working or fall into pieces. The RX Bandits could bring peace to Iraq within a few days. Let's see Led Zeppelin do THAT.