...but the funny thing was that as it was happening, I didn't freeze, but merely acted on instinct.
I was getting off the bus at the 30 Akers stop and I was going to cross East Shaw road to get to Holmes. So I'm crossing the eastbound part and there are two lanes. In the nearest lane, the car slows to a stop (there's a bus blocking him anyway) and I see that the car in the far lane is pretty far away. So I start to cross and I almost get into the far lane when I see the far car had gunned the engine in an effort to get past the bus. Fucker. So he starts honking his horn and braking when he finally sees that someone's crossing, and I give him the finger and tap his car as it goes by at around 20-30mph (he gunned it again).
It would have been fun if I had broken his window but I think I tapped one of the vertical beams. Ah well.
You Are 28 Years Old
Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.
13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.
20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.
30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!
40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax.
What Age Do You Act? 001. name: Michael
002. sex: Male
003. age: 17 right now, 18 on Saturday!
004. birthday: 01/22/1987
005. place of birth: Rush Presbyterian St. Luke's Medical Center, Chicago, IL
006. siblings' names and ages: None
007. parents' names: Sou-Ling and Steven
008. pets: None... allergies :-\
009. height: 5'2
010. nick names: Mike, Mikey, College (don't ask)
011. hair color: Black, which is the sexiest hair color :P
012. eye color: Brown
013. eye color of choice: Brown. If I had black hair and blue eyes it would just be creepy.
014. writing hand: Southpaw (lefty for those of you not "in the know")
015. current residence: 458 West Holmes Hall, Michigan State University
016. do you bite your nails: Nope, they taste bad anyway.
017. can you roll your tongue: I think I used to be able to... oh well.
018. can you raise one eyebrow at a time: Yeah 0_o
019. can you blow smoke rings: I've never tried before.
020. can you blow spit bubbles: I used to be an expert with lots of practice... now it's just dumb :P
021. can you cross your eyes: Quite painfully.
022. can you flip your eyelids out: Nah... I just can't do anything to my eyes like that. That's why I'll never get contacts.
023. tattoos and where: None
024. piercings and where: None
025. do you make your bed daily: HAH! I'm a college student, dude.
026. what goes on first, shirt or pants: Pants
027. which leg goes into your pants first: Left!
028. speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at anyone: Yeah, but I purposefully missed.
029. on the average, how much money do you carry in your purse/wallet: Depends on how much delivery I've been ordering :D
030. what jewelry do you wear 24/7: None
031. what's sexiest on a guy: Guys are positively revolting, I can assure you. I don't see how girls can think any of us are sexy.
032. what's sexiest on a girl: Everything, I say...
033. would you rather be on time and look ok or 10 minutes late and look great?: On time and look ok. There's not much I can do to make myself look better, really.
034. do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it: Twirl!
035. how many cereals in your cabinet: None right now, I'm in my dorm.
036. what utensils do you use to eat pizza: Hey! Shut up! It's convenient sometimes! ...fork and knife. For pizza that's really hot (I have a low heat tolerance sometimes) or big chicago-style stuffed deep dish *drools*
037. do you cook?: I have rudimentary cooking skills... more like survival-when-there's-just-stuff-to-work-with-in-the-fridge skills.
038. how often do you brush your teeth: At least once a day.
039. how often do you shower/bathe: Everyday, religiously... usually...
040. how long does your shower last: 10-15 minutes usually, but when I'm home the shower is so much better than here at college... so I'll stay in for another 10 minutes and take my time and just enjoy it slowly.
041. hair drying method: Towel for a second or two when I get out of the shower, and then I just comb it and let it air-dry.
042. do you paint your nails: Nope
043. do you swear: Fuck yeah.
044. do you spit or swallow: ...
045. do you spit in public: Not unless I have something I absolutely need to get out of my mouth... then I try to spit it in something and throw that something away.
046. do you pee in the shower: >.< Eww... what would my roommate and suitemate think?
047. the cd player: Don't have one. Mp3s all the way.
048. person you talk most on the phone with: Kris or Meg... though I unwillingly talk to my parents for a long time cause they WON'T STOP TALKING!
049. what color is your bedroom: White. My dorm room is white too.
050. do you use an alarm clock: Definitely. Although right now I seem to wake up 10-30 minutes before my alarm everyday.
051. name one thing you are obsessed with: Physics!
052. have you ever skinny-dipped with the opposite sex: No...t yet...
053. ever sunbathed nude: Nope
054. window seat or aisle: Window! :D
055. what's your sleeping position: Side - I have sleep apnea, so if I sleep on my back I can stop breathing because my tongue goes back and blocks the airway.
057. even in hot weather do you use a blanket: Not if it's too hot. But it feels weird sleeping without something over you.
058. do you snore: Sometimes. I blame sleep apnea :P
059. do you sleepwalk: Not that I know of.
060. do you talk in your sleep: Sometimes... you should hear what my roommate says I say.
061. do you sleep with a stuffed animal: Nope, just yo mama.
062. how about with the light on: Nope
063. do you fall asleep with the tv or radio on: Nope
064. took a shower: This morning
065. watched bambi: Looooong time ago.
066. cried: I can't remember...
067. talked on the phone: A day or two or three or something ago.
068. read a book: I have to read a book for my LBS 333 class on Darwin :(
070. where do you see yourself in ten years: in 10 years I'll be 27... probably researching physics, with a Ph.D in mah pocket.
071. who are you going to be married to: Your mom. Yeah, that's right. You're gonna be callin' me "daddy" :P
073. your profession: Physicist!
074. future school: Well I'm at Michigan State now... who knows where for grad school... but hopefully somewhere great.