Life is not fair

Aug 11, 2011 17:40

Probably a conversation what will hunt me for many years.

"Is this fair?", asked my father.

"Dad," I turn my head so I can look at him, "Life just isn't fair."

Whatever happened that I start to explain my father how this world works, I mean seriously...?

Do you know this feeling if you see how cloudy the sky becomes, how very dark and everything becomes quiet, there is for a few minutes peace before a Thunderstorm starts? That's exactly how it feels right now and I'm oddly calm, oddly at peace though I should shiver and start to break and yet I'm not.
When did I become that cold blooded, unattached to this all...that even when I see the trainwreck just about to happen, I'm not flinching nor crying eventhough it will rip my family appart?

Maybe I burierd my family...already a long time, at least emotional, that I accepted this just like I accept that life is just that....not fair, never even expect that it might be anything but unfair.

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