Jul 21, 2011 15:50
Last monday I watched DH2 in 3D though it is all 2D -.- but at least it was cheap considered the seller gave too much money back...I mean really, who can't count from 8 to 10 and gives rather 3 Euro back? oO I was taken aback by that.
When I read DH a few years ago, I already knew nearlly everything, knew how it would all end, I spoiled myself silly. A reason why I waited 2 months to actually read that book and was surprised that I actually kind of liked it though there were stil several things I just didn't get...like this no forshadowing of things whatsover and this terrible romance and in case of H/G it was plain laughable, R/Hr one could....if I pretended to know nothing about love...at least somehow buy though certainly not still married 19 years later.
So I expected of this DH movies, considered they knew about R/Hr and H/G at least since OotP movie, some kind of anvils...they were promised for god sake and even dear JKR used to boost about that yeaaars, feels like aeonen ago. I was prepared, perfectly content and I really wanted to see this movies for the sake of HP and to see how it turns out on screen.
But noooooooooooooooooo, no, they had to be an arse about it and add mindless H/Hr stuff into this movies, yeah...I'm saying movies because one can't talk of DH2 not without to talk about DH1 too. It didn't help that in DH1, something I liked in the book already, I had finally my Hermione back...badass, prepared and all know it all, just like I remembered her in OotP canon or all the books before, she was because of this one of my favourite characters after all.
HBP was mainly because of this butchering of the trio, yeah trio...not just Hermione, that bad not just canon wise but in movies too...I mean of course it was. This kis played so many years side by side, though in HBP you hardly had anything of that but just wooden Harry, nice. To me this movie...we can gladly forgett for alllllllll time...it never happened. There doesn't happen anything we aren't at least told several times in DH1 and DH2 anyway. Oh wait, yes...Ginny lol...like anyone will actually remember her.
Where was I? A, yes, all this added scenes and how very well they got the emotions across, that's something what is totally lost in any scene I might have withnessed through the years between Ron and Hermione or Harry and Ginny. Even this little scenes between Harry and Cho were at its time better done...and lets not start talking about Harry and Luna.
There was that R/Hr kiss, though to me...it was out of the blue, without any emotional connection and so easily negated by that "I'll go with you"-scene where Ron just has this sour look going on.
Why play it like that out? A question what ran a marathon in my head. Moviemakers knew the ending all along and yet we get this immense H/Hr vibe? Really? I watched this movie, the last one together with my brother and he was convinced Harry and Hermione were married at the end.
After some thinking I get why he even got that notion, this kisses between H/G and R/Hr happened all way before...Hermione said she wants to with Harry into the forrest, the whole audience knew this is certain death, yet there she was, saying that while Ron could only stare. After Voldemort is death and everything we have that scene on that bridge that look, and her holding his hand....and only reluctantly holding Ron's Hand too. Ginny was so seldom in this movie, had even less to say that one easily could have forgotten her in this scenes 19 years later and then we have it all screening out on Harry and Hermione. Nice if you sit there halfminded in that cinema, you really get that crazy, delusional idea it really ended H/Hr esp. if you didn't read the books and only remember the last movie HBP there just so that you know, you watched it.
After I told him....yeah, I did that... they didn't marry but it was that Red-one, sorry he didn't recall any Ginny at all and refered to Ron as:"that Weasley?", he complained what they didn't add more building up to Ginny. My pretty clever answer was: Well, they (JKR too) would have been in need to add some extra jealousy stuff considered he was awfully close to another girl.
Yes, thats why H/C in canon wins against H/G because there JKR added that at least...though Harry sided with Hermione, baaaad move but whatever.
So in the end....they left a whole lot out of the mainplot, I actually liked how the good guys are so not AKing around, good change, perfect change because that was in canon bad, terrible badly done. Dumblledore came only as half as arse across as he really was IMO, Snape appeared against that like a nice guy though even so in canon...I mean who in its right mind prepares a child for death? It is also between the lines that this greedy old guy, who wanted Potters Cloak so very dearly its a DH, that he risked their death...argueable.
I don't really remember wether in canon Hogwarts was that full of pupils by the time Voldemort attacked, but I could bet it wasn't so...lets kids get killed, nice one too.
But the overall message, one that I thought was nicely done was that one shouldn't give up, no matter how many are against one. Reminds me oddly at some Shipwars, where it felt like everyone in this fandom was against H/Hr.
And thats an explanation in it to, why so many of us H/Hr shippers argued so fiercly and...even we know it is R/HR and H/G can't help us and think H/Hr would have been still better, no? Eventhough this is a perfectly fine ship, was perfectly possible in canon...when you entered fandom years ago, before the Shipwar really started, and stated you think it's going to be H/Hr, all you heard was not a levelheaded discussion whether it is possible or not? Oh, no, you were ridiculed, you could read from several people how stupid you are and read the same Interview over again...whle you just sat there shocked by so much ignorants and idiotic behaviour just because you dared, oh gods forbid, to have a different opinion. Or even to put in that JKR just lied, or might change her mind that interviews before she finished all books are just that...worthless...for short beeing rational about that didn't help.
You could tump up the books, you could talk about how people with a similar background, being on one level and going together through hell and back, even so they gladly risk their life for another happen to do fall in love with another more likely than people totally opposite, bickering, hurting each others feelings and even go that far as to humilitate another...all that just didn't count.
This is something I can certainly say about me if I feel treated unjust, unfair about a simple and not at all outragous opinion I become fierce, passionate even about it. I just can't let go anymore, it is then me against the world if it must be and I would gladly go down with this opinion of my rather then to give in....eventhough I know it is all wrong to do so. That's something I learned about myself and in hinsight, I'm glad for this experince, that I stood my ground because it means in more important things, I would be like that just the same.
The triger was HBP, how the whole flameing started...guess a simple everyone have a jab at that ugly guy in school and be all wonderous if he actually hits back, worst then the attacks itself perhaps were, but still is it such a surprise?
Even years later most of this attitude, I met back in 2003, is still there...just today I'm no longer surprised by that. This is life, most people do follow popular opinions and make fun of everyone who has a different one. There were real wars fought over different opinions after all and just no one could till to this day explain how this was even possible to get that far? Emotions bring us that far.
It is all in the ractions what pulled us deeper in.
On another notion I wondered why...it is that from the trio in HP Movies it is Daniel Radcliff and Emma Watson who have such a great chemistry on screen? Some argue it is because...I had to laugh there....because they have a similar background and I would add that aside of the maincharacter Harry Potter the greatest pressure was on the actress of Hermione Granger, they shared that obviously too and thats something what creates a bond and in the end this chemistry on screen. Funny if one thinks that's what we used to argue in favour of our ship....and it is really so, thats how it is in life.
That all said I guess this echo of HP, Harmony...still a wonderful name for this ship...I will probably keep until the very end. (Just wanted to add that phrase after all!)