SERIOUSLY? - yes? ---- AWESOME!!!!

Jun 18, 2010 18:37

I got my hair cut yesterday, some people really like it, I am still not able to recognize my reflection, so I am still unsure, but the positive feedback is really helpful in general.

Working out yesterday was another day in my quest for physical fitness.. I like this trend of doing and continuing on.  I like the fact that I am the best shape I've been in since high school, and lighter than I was all but my junior year.  I am a smaller more compact, and stronger me that I was only months ago.  It's a definite positive in my life right now.  I met with a trainer yesterday, as I have hit another plateau, and this one wasn't budging.  The help from the trainer will help my strength and thus burn more calories than I have been in previous workouts, which is going to be awesome!!  Already the meet w/ the trainer has helped my motivation and I am just waiting for the dishes to be clean to make it to the gym again today.  I am sort of disappointed that I am not going to be able to work out tomorrow or the next day due to the Father's Day weekend thing, but you better believe that Monday will be something fantastical in the workout department.

The trainer had a lot of positive feedback, and was impressed that I have gotten this far by myself.  He was pleased with my work ethic and dedication to creating a better me.  The trainer also gave me a lot of great suggestions in ways that I can improve the results of my efforts.  These are great tools, and I plan on using  them as effectively and frequently as possible.

Running has taken a back seat to my desire to heal up my right hamstring, as it has been a problem more frequently that I would like to admit.   Having lost some of the flexibility in it had definitely taken a tole on my confidence, but I am doing better now, and I am hoping to be ready for a marathon by January.  Go big or go home!  It's going to be a long haul, but having a goal will help my motivation continue to pull through even the hard stretches (literally and figuratively).  There are a lot of positive things going on in my personal life, as in the life that has no social interactions on any emotional level.  I am really lucky that my health is doing well enough yet for me to deal with my fitness yet.  I am very happy to be able to be improving myself. 
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