Roman Catholic Church Excommunicates Doctors For Saving Rape Victim

Mar 06, 2009 12:44

Once again showing its true colours as an utterly corrupt and morally bankrupt organization, the Roman Catholic Church self-righteously denounced and excommunicated two Brazilian doctors for the "sin" of saving the life of a nine-year-old rape victim. The girl was pregnant with twins after having been raped by her stepfather, and due to her age the doctors had no choice but to terminate the pregnancy.

Under Brazil's anti-choice laws -- the harshest and most restrictive in the world -- the termination of a pregnancy is categorically illegal except to save the mother's life, in cases of rape, and in cases of where the child has no probability of survival due to a birth defect. In the last case, the abortion must be specifically authorized by the courts on the basis of testimony by at least three independent doctors and a mental health professional.

But even these offensively intrusive laws are not enough to satisfy the fundamentalists in Rome, who demand that abortion should be banned with no exceptions whatsoever. The Catholic Church insists that it is a moral imperative for the mother to DIE rather than terminate her pregnancy even if there is zero probability that the babies can be carried to term.

Source: Fox News, The New York Times

medicine, wtf, religion

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