Jan 17, 2008 22:54
I am astonished by the number of people who speak out about the current writers' strike. Yes its an inconvenience, but its not a simple matter. I find those most vocal against it are either speaking out selfishly because they have lost their means of entertainment or ignorantly because they think they know what's going on but clearly don't.
This isn't a simple matter. This isn't like a nurses' strike or teacher' strike. These people are not paid on a salary or on wages. Its not an issue of simply wanting more money. Its a matter of protecting the money they already earn.
The problem is that there have been new markets that have opened up since the last time they created a significant detail that are not included in their contract but are still being milked for their financial worth. Things like iPods and internet where shows and movies can be downloaded for a small fee and watched at home. The writers and many other groups see none of that money. Or what about DVD sales which currently are not only one of the highest returns people get on their productions (be it TV or Film) they have presented the market to bring shows back from cancellation (Family Guy, Firefly, Futurama). The writers were only asking for their returns from DVD sales to be raised from 1/3 of a penny on the dollar to 2/3 of a penny on the dollar. Of a Penny! Thats minuscule.
People suggest that the strike is matter of greed and that the writers are just demanding more money than the ample amounts they already get. Bullshit! Unless you are someone like JJ Abrahms or other big name people, you make little as a writer as is. The Studios are trying to ensure that you make even less than that. Many writers can barely afford to live off what they make as a writer, often taking on other jobs that they perform simultaneously. Imagine earning less.
And if they were so greedy why oh why would they continuously try to keep the studios at the table to discuss things. It was the studios that walked out on the talks not the Writers Guild. The writers went so far as to table the DVD issue, a rather lucrative market, to keep the talks going.
I mean this is money the studios would hardly miss, but they won't budge.
People suggest that other writers be brought in either freelancers who are not part of the guild or people from other countries and other guilds. Well the problem is one of respect then. If a freelancer crossed the line to write for someone and the strike is resolved good luck ever finding a job in the industry. Other Guilds offer support of solidarity on the issue.
And really if the studios don't want to pay the writers their due to begin with why would they offer enough incentive to writers elsewhere and write for less??
And while the writers strike production comes to a slow halt as pre-scripted projects slowly finish. Shows have already started to drop off the air mid season and others that are just starting will be stuck mid season as well. The repercussions of film have yet to be felt but its only a matter of time.
And think about the other people who depend on the industry as well. No productions means no jobs for a lot of people. Warner Brothers announced today that they are halting production of the Justice League movie that has caused so much bile spewing by fans. But that leaves countless people without jobs in an already barren job market. This is just the beginning. the trickle down will be felt in variety of other areas as well, beyond that of film. Think of all the construction people who build the sets and the production people that drive the equipment places...or the other endless list of jobs that people hardly consider when it comes to making a movie. Thats a lot of people scrambling to find another way to make money in the coming months.
I am glad to hear today that the Studios have struck a deal with the Directors before something happens there as well, and I hope that means that they will resolve the issue with the writers soon as well. We still have yet to hear about the Actors and what they will do.
So please before you go off about how evil the writers are remember that this isn't a simple issue. I suggest more people read about this first, but we all know that won't likely happen.