Jan 17, 2008 08:25
In other, more exciting news:
my music exchange with omar has been really good for me, on both sides of the coin. It's slightly embarrassing to admit, but i really don't know a whole hell of a lot about the bands that i listen to, except the huge ones, and even then, my knowledge is pretty spotty.
i'm not a musician, nor am i gary or camire mckendry, so i've never been one to care about every member of a band i enjoy. Three years ago, i probably couldn't have told you what instrument justin chancellor played.
In addition to needing to read up on these bands for the "primer" that i send with the artist's mix, the exchange is also DRASTICALLY expanding my music collection.
i live in the age of mp3s, so the number of actual CDs i have is really small compared to the music i have on my computer. That means that i tend to collect singles. Before last friday, my collection of Pink Floyd consisted of the complete "Dark Side of the Moon," then a handful of singles: "bike," "have a cigar," "comfortably numb" and i want to say that's really it. i didn't have "another brick in the wall."
I digress.
anyway, so i've obtained the entire discography and i'm totally loving everything i've been listening to. (i've been listening to it non stop for about a week...i thiink i need to diversify)
i have over 20 gb of music now :D