Aug 26, 2003 23:49
I will not give up.
I will not relent.
I don't think anyone can truly understand what its like; to want something with all the passion in your body. To need something, beyond simply having a "dream" to become something.
I don't dream about becoming a writer, I don't envy those people who have made the best sellers list. I am a writer, not because I exist to create. It is not a mere luxury, something I do for fun. If I were not to spill these words onto the page I would be insane. I would have lost my mind years ago.
I wish someone could understand this. I want one person in the world to have a passion that is as powerful as mine for their art. Writing, Creating, Teaching, Whatever it is. I want people in my life to have this passion, because if you are passionless, you are lifeless. I can't imagine settling my life to simply "be" something that I did not adore. I cannot imagine giving up on a dream, because this dream is sometimes all I have left.
Maybe someday, there will be a single person who understands this all consuming passion. I want someone to look me in the eyes and when they tell me "I understand how that feels" when I speak about my writings, I want to see that FIRE that burning DESIRE to create something greater than yourself BURN in their soul so fiercely that I can feel the heat by being near them.
There are to many people who are half assed in this world; to many fucking idiots who can't pull their heads out of their asses and wallets long enough to see that Money is the LAST thing we should be worrying about. Money is important only to those who have to little or have to much. If I can pay the bills; if I can eat and I can create. I'll be Just fantastic. I wish people weren't so fucking Shallow. I hear all these people saying. "If I was rich, I'd buy a nice car" Great, go waste your money. "If I was rich, I'd buy a mansion" Great, a house you'll only live in three rooms of. Thats a waste. "If I was rich..."
you know what my answer to that is? If I was rich, I'd buy a few hundred acres of land in some beautiful area. I'd become self sustaining, Grow my own food, raise live-stock. I'd write, I'd try to exist as far out from society and the social idiocies of the world...
and I'd watch it all come tumbling down. When the technobuerocratic bullshit that has been piled up around our ears come crashing down, I'll toast my glass to the apocolypse and I'll enjoy some time to myself.
If it doesn't, I'll have my children go through college. Learn themselves the realities of the world beyond the pathetic... Shallow Dribble we subside ourselves with. Maybe I can show them the world beyond the gray hell that exists for most people, the feeling of emptiness and loneliness that is only subsided when they get rich, get high or get laid.
To many people need a reality check about whats important. Whats REALLY Important. Is your computer important? No. Is your T.V. Important? No. Car? No. Coke Habit? No. Whats really important is this moment right here, this moment that I am breathing, living and thinking. Maybe I'm wasting it by ranting because no one will listen. Because maybe my words are useless. But, I hope they aren't.
Reality Check; The Soul is more important than the Body. You can search out physical pleasure until the cows come home. But, Guess what. You're just as alone fucking some guy you claim you love, than if you were masturbating in your bed, You slut. (That is directed at no one in particular)
Reality Check; The Evolution of humanity lies in the furthering of our consciousness, not the furthering of our convience....
Lots of Reality Checks. Fuck it, I'm going to go write. Write my own reality; away from all these idiots. Maybe then, I can be a bit happier.