Oct 27, 2006 11:35
At some point in their life, just about everyone ponders what it would mean to have the perfect life. What would we have? What wouldn't we have? Would we be rich? Would we be in love? Would we be powerful? The definition of a perfect life changes from person to person. And that's absolutely natural; everyone has their own set of goals, ambitions and desires that they follow. On the same hand, everyone has those things in life that give them pleasure.
As far as I go, it's no secret that anyone who knows me knows that the top thing on my list of priorities in life is love. And subsequently, my having been single for five years has certainly taken a toll on me mentally. That's not to say that I've been without love for these past five years. Jason has been an amazing support and passion for almost 3 years now. But it's mostly a tease. In the relative scope of things, mid-2007 does not seem that far away. But before we are ever going to have the chance to be together, there will be some things that need to be worked out. Optimistically, I think I can speak for both of us when I say we both welcome the challenge.
Still, I've been exposed to the love of others. I'll be the first to admit that I'm jealous of what many people have. I've tried to hold the love of my friends in the same light and, quite honestly, it just doesn't compare. That's of no fault to myself or my friends; it's just simply the way things are with me. I will always passionately desire that one person who a part of me that no one else can touch. I was dealt a major blow with the whole LaShelle situation, and I have not been the same sense. I'm pretty sure that I won't be the same ever again. It's a reality that I've been dealt and I'm going to live with it.
That brings me to my point. In the perfect life, we have choices. We can decide who stays and who goes. Who is close to us and who we hold away. We're not condemned to whatever fate may be predetermined or vulnerable to the forces that are beyond our control. This is why the perfect life doesn't exist. Of course, I don't think many people did. However, I point this out because when we're down and out, most of the time when we start the "I wish..." statements, almost all of them revolve around the idea of this perfect life. We set ourselves up for disappointment by making these wishes the standard.
I want to be done with that though. I will always wish for certain things. But I'm always wishing for the choice, the ideal, the perfect...and subsequently, the impossible. I want to wish for the things that I can change and that I can work on. I am not perfect by any means. No one alive is perfect. So why should we torture ourselves wishing for the perfect life? No. Instead, I'm going to be trying to wish for the possible, the probable, and the ideal in the sense that I have the power to make my life as perfect as it can possibly be.
All of this is easier said than done, but you know what they say - acknowledging the problem is the first step to the solution.