Phoenix Comicon day 1

May 25, 2012 01:15

Took Thursday and Friday off to attend the Phoenix Comicon. Thursday was the preview day so not alot was going on.

My costume this year is a poodle skirt (with a cat and not a dog on it), a white wig, cat ears and a tail. I had a difficult time trying to decide if I was a cat girl from the fifties or a pure blood witch trying to blend into a muggle convention (I had a wand too). Several people asked to take my picture and they all asked if I was Hello Kitty, so I quess I'm Hello Kitty.

I caught the light rail downtown to the convention center, there were several of us on the train. It is so amusing to see people not going or aware of the convention trying to figure out why so many people are dressed strangley. There is sure to be even more of us dressed up tomorrow.

Since Thursday was the preview day, registration was really quick. I'm sure Friday and Saturday will be a nightmare for those who didn't get the full pass and go to the preview. Last year those lines were really bad. The vendor hall opened a bit behind schedule as they had to wait for the fire marshall to okay everything before they would let us in. I bought myself a sonic screwdriver, a necklace and a Drabbit. I have wanted a drabbit since I first saw them at the Ren Fest.

Panels:I was late to the 1st panel as I was having issues with my debit card when I paid for my Drabbit

Do's and Don't of Conventions. It"s a nice little panel discussing some of things that you should and shouldn't do at a convention. I went to it last year and the panelist were really funny so that's why I went again this year.

Phoenix Ultimate Geek Showdown (semifinals)  It's a debate gameshow type thing on geeky subjects. I went because it sounded interesting. I'll miss the finals because I'm planning on going to a different panel.

Upcycled Cosplay  Very interesting ideas on how to put together/make costumes on a budget.

Friday will be a busy day. I should go to sleep now.


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