Almost six months in to 2010 and I am now able to check off at least one of the many items on my RESOLUTION LIST I made New Year's Eve while en route back to Canada after visiting relatives in Virginia. I joined an online contest and entered a short story. There's also a chance of it getting published in a vampire anthology book that the site's sponsoring whether my story wins or lose.
Isn't that great?! I'm so excited just thinking about it. And I think that for my story entry it has a different take to the whole vampire genre. I mean, it was a gamble that I took and hopefully it pays off and nobody's thought of that plot idea and used the same thing too! -LoL-
Anyway, without much further ado here's the link to my short story entry. Please leave a comment & let me know what you think. Constructive criticism's always welcome. I know I left the story kinda a cliffie, but in the back of my mind I thought of adding more to it and make the whole thing a series of short stories as opposed to one novel. Maybe I'll make it to a novella or something; we'll see where it takes me.
the Huntress