
May 11, 2008 21:57

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I have to admit, before I even heard of Stephenie Meyer or her vampire romance trilogy, Twilight, New Moon & Eclipse, I had not idea exactly how huge this book was.

Sure I'm into reading about vampire romance, but mostly from authors such as Suzanne Sizemore and Maggie Shaye.  And majority of 'em are vampire stories that were...well, more for the adult audiences.  Stephenie Meyer's vampire story was for young adults.

I knew a couple of people who were into reading Ms. Meyer's books and out of sheer curiosity, I followed a link to her website and started reading up on what Twilight was about and the other two books (she's working on a fourth book in this series entitled Breaking Dawn and I so can't wait to read about that!).

Anyway, the more I read about what the books were about, the more intrigued I'd become, so on an unplanned visit to the mall, I checked out Cole's and was browsing through the store when I came across Twilight and New Moon (this was before Eclipse was released).  Both books were out and on sale.  Since I couldn't wait to read it if I ordered the books online, I bought both books right there and then and immediately started reading Twilight.

I have to admit, I was instantly drawn into the world Ms. Meyer wove.  It was...a very unique look at vampires.  Sure I've read about peace-loving vampires who lived amongst humans harmoniously, but Stephenie Meyer's take on this particular vampire story...I couldn't help but find myself falling for Edward Cullen, the vampire hero of the series.  Of course the book was told in first person POV through Bella's, but regardless, you couldn't help but just find Edward and the rest of the Cullens intriguing.

And now Twilight's coming to the big screen.  It's so damn exciting I can't wait until it comes out in December!  I dunno who else would want to watch it with me, but I think my sister would too since I made her a convert when I wouldn't stop gushing about the books! -LoL-

I have to admit, I had a different Edward Cullen in mind when I was reading the book, but casting Robert Pattinson from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire was starting to...well, I'm beginning to agree with the casting directors.  I'm still somewhat iffy about the girl they cast as Bella, but then again, I never really bothered much about Bella while I was reading the book; I was more into Edward and the rest of the Cullens! -LoL-

edward cullen, vampires, bella swan, twilight, movie

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