Jun 30, 2006 01:55
So, I'm betting the computer's going to crash before I can finish this (which is why I'm using a text program, smary-boots that I am). [bloop] Hey look, it did it again. You know, I wouldn't mind so much if I knew a way to make it so that my computer didn't make that loud "start-up" bong when I turned it back on. Merf. Oo! Almost forgot to save, whew. Right, where was I. Oh yes, the lovely little narcoleptic computer (To be accurate, it doesn't suddenly fall asleep so much as shut off, regardless of whether it was asleep or awake at the time. It doesn't go a day or night without doing this). I guarantee you it will shut down at least once more before I finish it. Probably several times, given my *strikes a pose* propensity towards verbosity on subjects both [bloop] grand and trivial. Hey, check that out -- not only did it catch me mid-sentence, but it also crashed again before I even got it booted back up. Nice! Right. Well, this will certainly cut down on the number of tabs I have open at any one time. That and I won't be joining any raids or anything in WoW; fortunately that won't be a huge change there. Actually, I'd much rather have the computer suddenly shut down than freeze; if nothing else it means that my toon will simply be disconnected rather than getting killed while I'm lagging. Then again, I've been spending more time in my books than on the computer lately; so perhaps that's the way to go, eh? Okay. It's about time for another shutdown, so I better wrap this up. There. It's a wrap. [bloop] Hah! Did I call it or what? *grin*
(Wow, guess how many times it shut down while I was trying to post this, haha! On the plus side, (aside from being amused by all of this) my crocheting is coming along nicely; I should have a whole wardrobe done by the time I get this posted. ^^)
(Interesting. I've just stumbled upon one thing that appears to initiate a shut down. I hit the "more options" button on the myLJ page. Yeah. Now what have I learned from this? Don't hit that button. Yep. Okay, no. Actually, I think I'm going to hit it a few more times to gather a bit more data. But I'll do that after I post this.)