Almost there!

Aug 06, 2008 11:18

So, things are progressing for the first issue. As this is our first time doing this, we are working out some kinks. But we've finally made ALL the final decisions as to stories that are going in the issue.

If you have not gotten an email telling you that you have been accepted (or no accepted) for this issue, I've screened the comments on this entry and you can let me know. Or you can email

For those of you that got an email saying you're "in queue": this means we liked your story, but we didn't have room in this issue. If you so desire, we will DEFINITELY put it in the next issue; if you can't wait on that and would like to post it elsewhere, let us know and we won't put it in the next issue. Note this does not count fanart or Afterdark submissions, as Afterdark is a later deadline and fanart is dependent on layout.

We'll be starting to accept stories for Issue 2 soon, normally we'd start accepting at the first of the month, but we're working on a better header and submission rules.

The editors will all be at Otakon starting tomorrrow, so be advised if something doesn't get answered right away, for that is why.


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