
Sep 21, 2007 01:00

Alrighty, here i am with an LJ account, which i blame Win and JA for.

My room is cold. *shivers and rubs eyes*

Anyway, will do a lot of explaining here. *cracks knuckles*

1.Post name: Genesis
No, i don't always explain why i name my posts the way i do. But for blur people, Genesis is the beginning. And as the first post of this LJ, i have given it the honour of being called Genesis. And no, my next post will not be called Exodus. xD

2. Why i even have an LJ account
Peer pressure. Win and JA have one each, so i had to get one too.

Haha, no, i was kidding.

Erm, it actually did start with Win and JA, but not in the aforementioned way. Created this LJ for the sole purpose of having a place where i can share my collages / poems/ ramblings [out of the blog] / whatever else, but mainly as a place to put my pictures.

Will still be faithfully blogging using Blogger, fear not. =]

3. "Glass Blades"
I was emo / sentimental when i came up with this.

Suppose that it's a lot to do with me. Yes, it's glass, not grass, even if the latter would've suited my layout very nicely. But i digress.  To be put simply, let's just say that blades are sharp, pointy, shiny, non-malleable, offensive, dangerous, not to be put in the same room as children, but useful. In the exact same way, it reflects on how i'm sometimes very defensive, how i make it seem like i'm so strong and composed. I mean, i basically am, but on the other hand, there are times when i'm fragile. Like glass.


4. " when things aren't all they seem to be "
Fits once you've read the above. Or maybe you already had that figured out, i dunno. =P

5. Finally, a photo.

Made this using Photoshop. You guys should know how much i love to dance / skate / do "night fever, night fevah!!" with Melia / do random movements. So basically, can be done anywhere, anytime, anyplace, even if the cobblestones are wet.

*NOTE: notice that those aren't ordinary ribbon-ed ballet points, but points in the form of sneakers!!!

Why oh why, did i ever give up ballet?!!!

Much love,
~ Lyn.

PS: LJ notice was asking if i liked fluffy bunnies.. Winnie, ar!!.. xD
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