The new moon...

Aug 12, 2010 16:09

as usual wasn't sighted so we start the fasting month a day later compared to our neighbours. It's strange but *shurgs*

I'm loving the LJ skin tab thingy up there... peacock feathers! Oooooh~

Anyway, what's been up? It's been the same ol' same ol' I guess... Drama's on holiday so it's the "lather, rinse, wash, repeat" cycle day in and day out with a sprinkling of a hiccup here and there.

I got sent off for a familiarisation trip to Kuala Lumpur by the Royal Brunei Airlines and Malaysia Tourism last month and as can be expected, it was a tiring five days with hardly a break in between. The only time I did have for shopping was the two hours in Kinokuniya.

By the time I got back, I had a gajillion photos from Cameron Highlands, Genting Highlands, and all the other places... only to have my harddrive crash and everything disappear. Fortunatey, I managed to transfer half of those photos before. *sighs* It was the reinstalling of WoW and the patching that nearly drove me out of my mind though. It took me two whole days!

Then I had plans to head down to Labuan last weekend to catch the first ever Borneo Arts Festival. But I ended up not feeling well and had to cancel the trip. I guess it must have been a blessing in disguise cos I was meant to go by myself and God knows what would have transpired.

Then there is the upcoming KK Youth Music Festival that the choir is going to... Wheeee~ We're bringing Locus Iste and Rhythm of Life which both need to be memorised. Garry still hasn't let us in on whether there is any sort of choreography (deep inside, I do want one badly). I didn't hear from the participating hotel, the Karambunai Resort for so long, I was getting worried that my booking had gone up in a puff of smoke (very much like my harddrive) but fortunately, after a quick phone call, the lady gave me the confirmation number to bring along.

It finally dawned on me that it's only 2 weeks away!!! O_O It'll be my first international choir competition. *wishes self luck*
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