Jul 13, 2009 21:00
I knew today was going to be one of those days but didn't expect it to be the type which would have me clapping my hands in glee all day long~
I received a call from Home Affairs regarding His majesty's visit to the Fire & Rescue HQ and so I lumbered over to the office to make sure that somebody DOES go. When MellyJelly came back to report on his findings, he said that HM threw a fit (in a very calm and fabulous way of course).
Later in the afternoon, we all saw for real what he was talking about. HM lashed out at various ministries, hitting so many issues smack on the head which included 'false' pledges for donations, robotic heads of departments, messed up priorities, etc...
I would hate to be on the receiving end of HM's wrath.
Catch details on our e-paper tomorrow @ www.bt.com.bn, 4am (GMT + 8)!!!
I was meaning to post this earlier but Saturday was a very interesting day indeed. I took the Husband out for lunch since he was in a really pissy mood and when we got back to his office, we found out that he had a flat tyre. O_O I've only ever changed a tyre once and I needed my dad's help. A 4X4 is NOT funny to jack up!
We managed to find someone who had a jack (neither of us had one! Note to self: keep one in the car just in case!) and I was on my knees cranking away. I let him do the nuts *giggles* and we were done in no time.
Four hours later, he came by so I could do his make up since his department was having a costume party. Hil lent him his Opera Cape to complete his vampire look. I didn't have much to do actually... Powered him down to keep up the 'pale' look and then smoky eyes. Too bad my camera was sitting in the office so we couldn't do a photoshoot. -_-; As I was doing the finishing touches on his costume, that was the first time I heard him say "Thank you, wifey".
Turns out he won 'Most original Costume'! Yeay~
Speaking of cameras, I'll be picking up yet another gadget this Friday. My birthday present PART 2! We managed to strike a deal and the office let us upgrade. So I'll be getting my Canon 50D~ Wheeee~ It's bigger but I'm planning on getting a battery grip to make it even more so. I'll definitely keep the 450D as a body for the 50mm lens to minimise changing lenses.
But that means I need a bigger bag to carry everything. -_-;
Enough excitement for today... so drained.