I find myself experiencing a strange feeling of hope and contentment. I agonized this morning over my vote, making sure that it was the right decision. You see, although I find him to be very eloquent and inspiring in his speech, and some of his ideas sound very great, I found myself hesitant in supporting him, especially when he voted alongside McCain in supporting the WallStreet Bailout, a vote that the vast majority of the country were against. I don't have any ideas on what we should have done, but I know I didn't want that, not at all. I considered voting a third party candidate, but what happened in 2004 was always at the forefront of my mind, fearing that my vote would aid McCain in securing the White House, something I absolutely did not want to happen; I was not hesitant about McCain whatsoever. The media predicted a landslide, but not once did I dare to hope that they could be right. I recall the late night spent watching the votes come in, agonizingly slow and close, with a result not being final for at least a week. But at the same time, I see too many similarities between the Democratic and Republican Parties to be avidly pro-Democrat; I hope to see alternative parties have equal consideration in governemental races. In the end, though, I decided to give the Democrats a chance, to see what they're made of, and hopefully they'll do a better job of running this country than the Republicans have in the past. Maybe, the whole tone of the political conversation will change, so it's not necessarily one of those dirty little things you don't talk about at the dinner table. That would be nice.
So, with all of my fears about the similarities between 2008 and 2004, boy did it come as a shock to come home from work at 8pm,
thinking that I'd catch up on the polls to see where we were at in the vote count, but finding instead CNN, MSNBC, and *FOX NEWS*, all of the news programs, declaring that Barack Hussein Obama has been projected to win the Presidency. I mean, the polls just closed on my coast, and we've already found the winner!? That couldn't be...But then McCain gave his speech, conceding his defeat. I was awed, and still am. The media predicted a landslide, and it came. That blows me away. So now there's this warm feeling of hope in my heart, and hopefully it will keep me and so many others warm, and that this will bring real change to our country.
Everything's not roses and rainbows, though. We have much work ahead of us, that's for sure. Alongside this great victory for our country, and for civil rights, there's a definite taint, subtle, perhaps (especially as compared to 2004), but still there. Arizona and Florida have passed state constiutional amendments denying the possibility of allowing gays and lesbians to marry. Arkansas has passed an initiative to deny the possibility for non-married (i.e. gay) couples to adopt children. And in California, it doesn't look good for one of the three places where gay marriage is legal, another constitutional amendment being "too close to call". I have my doubts. It amazes me that this country can vote so overwhelmingly for Barack Obama, for change, but still feel perfectly fine in saying "Not *that* change; you don't count". It astounds me, and saddens me. This silver cloud definitely has a grey lining.
But still, let's celebrate what we can. Congratulations Barack Obama, on achieving the distinction of being the first African American to come to the presidency, and inspiring so much hope and optimism in this country. May the best come from it.