Phoenix is being invaded! (FGotM Requiem announcement for Sept)

Aug 24, 2006 01:17

Dead Man’s Hand Presents
The Great 06 Phoenix Invasion!
Featured Requiem Game of the Month For September

Date: Septempber 9th, 2006, Game On At 7:00pm
Location: Crowne Plaza San Marcos Golf Resort
One San Marcos Place
Chandler, Arizona, 85225
Event Cost: $10.00
Hotel Cost: $79.00/double (Be sure to mention Dead Man’s Hand and get a room at the Lodge)
ST Contact: Jeremy White, DST -
STs request advance notification of any High+ approvals you expect will impact the game.

Kindred Society,

It has been almost a year since the gathering called by Augustus Vidal and almost a year since the change of Praxis from Arturo Gonzales de Mendoza to myself.  In this time this Imperium has grown, prospered though not always quietly, and it is fitting that this be recognized.

It has not been the trend within this Imperium to hold full court nor to cheapen Elysium by gathering there every single night.  Our rule is strong enough that we need not paper over cracks with gilt and pomp, nor so weak that we fear to gather outside of the sacred truce of Elysium. But within the forms and traditions of our species, these two things have their proper place and proper meaning.  For a realm that is not weak they provide a time to gather, to socialize with an eye on what has been accomplished and what may yet be accomplished.

With that in mind, I call a formal court of the Imperium of Northern Arizona.  Let all acknowledged vampires who reside within the Valley of the Sun and its vassal territories gather upon Elysium on September Ninth, Two Thousand and Six where there shall be a formal court where all grievances and petitions may be heard from the clans and the Covenants.  Let all from surrounding areas who wish to travel and gather also come and take again the hospitality of our city.

In my name and under my seal,
Julia Kincaid
(Further, I'll answer questions here or direct them to the right folks or can be found on IRC frequently at night as Spider_KD)
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