Feb 02, 2009 22:04
Despite the negative connotations that usually go with it, I'm a major anime fan (obviously). And it's not that I don't enjoy the new things (because believe me, I do!) But I am seriously a Nostalgia nut. I could spend hours re-watching Sailor Moon, Gundam Wing, Fushigi Yuugi and lately - Slayers.
I am so re-addicted to it at the moment it's insane. Possibly because of Slayers Revolution and Evolution-R, the newest installment in the series that's kinda revived everything. Yes, Slayers is goofy, and full of plot holes, and I'm sure there are several critique-able things about it. Someone who's looking for a deep storyline with supremely complex characters can probably overlook it pretty easily. Moreoften than not, it's very lighthearted and full of humour. It's one of my favorite animes I watched as a teenager, and continues to be so. If nothing else, the opening/ending lyrics to almost all of the series are amazing, and they'll never get old to me. I'm kinda tired of the internet idea that a series has to be as complicated as real life in order to be considered worthy. It's pretty nice to have straightforward characters with dominating traits. It's kinda nice to be able to enjoy a story, even if it's one of those "Stop the Bad Guy" story sorta things.
I'm glad I'm enjoying it though. :) It's been refueling my interest to work on OH, and it's been a good reminder that I don't need to get too complicated to make a good story. It's the simple things that count the most, IMHO.
I gotta go dig up my Lappy so I can watch NEXT during feedings tonight. :3