Sep 16, 2008 18:36

To the loverly mrstater!!

I hope you have had an absolutely wonderful day. :D

I've done a few memes in the past few weeks, but no real RL updates, so here goes.

About four weeks ago I discovered a new hobby that has quickly become an obsession. I am now firmly addicted to playing Texas Hold'em poker tournaments.

Fortunately, there need not be any gasping in fear for my bank account. Firstly, I am way too Scrooge-like with myself to allow for an addiction that would waste my money (hence why I quite smoking, aside from the obvious health risks). Second, why pay when you can play for free? There's a company that hosts local free tournaments around the Orlando area; all you have to do is tip the dealer (and even that's not necessary, but totally rude) and they give you 2,000 dollars' worth of chips to play with. It's so much fun, and a great way to socialize (the guys really respect a chick with a good poker face, LOL).

Aside from that, it's all work and some play. Bach Festival Singers rehearsal has begun, and it's fabulous. It's a really great vocal challenge, and we're doing some really awesome pieces this season. Our first concert will include Haydn's Mass in the Time of War and Paul Moravec's Songs of Love and War. We actually get to sing Carmina Burana with the London Symphony Orchestra next May (squee!). Our conductor was like, "You guys will be fine, you did it last year." And I'm like, "Errr, I was't HERE last year!" So, guess who's gettin' it off of iTunes...

We are finally finished moving. HURRAH! Unfortunately, we are now strategically located right next door to the SPCA of Central Florida. This, of course, means I will now be bringing home poor unfortunate animals on a regular basis if I am not very careful. Our first addition to the apartment is a new cat. His name is Smokie; while I find the name seriously lacking in creativity, he's already seven so I think it will have to do since he's pretty used to it. I just call him Kitty or Cat or...things that are not fit to print, depending on what he's up to. But seriously, he is a really great cat, that just happens to abhor the dog. And poor Asher, who grew up with cats and who was the object of my previous cat's affection, does not understand why Smokie beats the crap out of him every time he gets close. Oh, well.

So, anyhoo, that's what's up down here in sunny Orlando. No hurricanes...yet. I am not counting out the last few weeks of the season, though...
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