I come baring the news that
phoenixknght86 &
empressvesica have had some awesome suggestions regarding a few things. Those few things are the OOC Posts and a Master Case Post. I'll explain...
There's going to be a OOC Community [
oocpfrpg]. Everyone who is playing has a invite. If you haven't recived an invite, please let me know so I can correct that. This is so that we can all post there about info [ie. AIM handles, emails(if you want to post) times that your going to be on, or reasons that you are/are not going to be on. I'm going to make the OOC Community a Members Only community. That being said I'm going to adding the characters we're all playing plus our personal LJs. If you have any objection to adding your personal LJ, please let me know.
Also this is up for each character LJ, having a separate OOC post. This way we don't have to interrupt the RP. Its also neater and cleaner.
Don't worry the current OOC Thread is not going anywhere, but it is becoming a members only post. Please make sure that you "join community" in stead of just watching.
The Master Case Post is a great idea and it keeps our Sidebar clean and neat. So that we can just access the current open cases with a quickness. This post will also cover Adjourned Meetings.
Also I know that its kinda of off topic but remember with the character's LJ you can "Back Post" for entries. So don't fret if you don't post once a week, remember that you should be posting for the character at least once a week. "Back Posting" also allows you to "Future Post" too. Again if you feel like you're not going to be able make a post the next week feel free to "Future Post". If you're unfamiliar with how to "Back Post", here is a link to LJ FAQs on how to use the
"Date Out Of Order Option". This will also be linked into from the FAQs page.