Dean, Sam, and Xander had run out of Los Angeles like a bat of out of hell. No time to say goodbye to friends and no time to really get their shit together. They simply leapt into the Impala, put the pedal to the floor, and were gone.
Dean didn’t want to leave, but knew it was wiser to run than fight an angel of the Lord right now.
Operation Saving
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He peered around her to Anna though and offered her the patented Winchester smirk, which promptly vanished in Missouri's scolding.
Dean stilled his thoughts and clear his mind quickly, looking like a kid who had gotten his hand caught in a cookie jar and turned his focus to his brother and Xander. He set the rosary down on the coffee table, nestled deep in the middle of a pressed white dress shirt and against the photo of Claire.
Cas was hurt. He was still hurt after almost three months...and so was Jimmy.
"So, Ley Lines." Dean said, clapping his hands together. "Ley Lines are tied to burial grounds, monoliths, and geological features. And our other clues are water and devil's trap. Water does ground out energies...Cas might be hiding near or close to a body of water that might be hiding his powers along with that of some major ley lines."
He peered across the coffee table to Sam, who was sitting right in front of him. "You think they got maps of those things? Ley Lines?"
She turned to a cupboard and pulled out several delicate tea cups and set them on the coffee table. "Well, go on. Help yourselves."
"Now I now Dean is just itching to bolt out the door and be on his way...but have something to eat before you all go."
Dean paused, weighing his thoughts before seating himself down next to his brother and reaching out for a cookie. Much to his delight, it was molasses and it was warm.
"Awesome." He whispered and bit off as much as he could cram into his mouth.
(ooc: Honestly? I think we can move on from this point and get down to the research! I vote Sam or Xander start a new thread were we've run off to a library or the motel and we're all digging around. BTW: Resources were posted in the OOC Community for the case)
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