The Hobbit, finally!

Dec 19, 2007 08:28

The Hobbit is on for a hopeful 2010 release!

I am happy it's being made, but I'm not sold until I hear who's directing. The article clearly states Jackson as producer and doesn't mention a thing about directing. Uh oh Spaghetti-O's! Perhaps if he winds up not directing, the chosen director will let him direct by proxy. I think that other directors could do good jobs, but Jackson's feel for the films is just so distinctive. However, if anyone directs that's not Jackson, I want it to be Del Toro (Pan's Labyrinth). Those trolls will be terrifying!

And this second film--I can't see The Hobbit needing more than one book. A bridging film, perhaps? Tolkein fans, what is needed to bridge The Hobbit and LOTR? I assumed nothing much happened between the two.

Also, it's oh so strange this putting aside of differences came along right after Golden Compass flopped (its worldwide earnings are at $92,599,607--for a movie that cost $180,000,000, that is bad) and Bob Shaye's job was put on the line.

lord of the rings, the hobbit, film

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