Movie Review: Godzilla 2014

May 31, 2014 15:48

Hubby took me to see the much anticipated Godzilla movie today. We usually usually wait a week to see movies anymore, so today was the day to hit the first showing since we know the theater will not be so crowded like it was opening weekend. I DID take my earplugs, but was happy I didn't have to use them. I like a movie that captures my interest from the start and doesn't let go until the credits roll.

There had been many comments about Godzilla's head looking so small, but when I compared it to the original Big G I can see that the difference is really in the neck. The current "zilla is a lot beefier all around, especially in the neck as opposed to the beloved original. The updated version also looks more realistic. If you ever decided to Google lizards you'll see what I mean.

All in all, the movie did not disappoint. Rather, it made me wonder (and kinda hope) if there will be a sequel. One can only hope.

While surfing the internet for a good picture of the Godzilla poster I came across this rendering of the muscle structure of the creature on deviantart. It makes me wonder what they could do if they were to create a nature notebook surrounding the monster and his foes.

review, movie, godzilla

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