May 24, 2010 03:02
Ugh! It's been BLAZING hot here which in turn means that I don't want to sit at my computer or have my laptop in my lap for extended periods of time. Which is why I've been mostly MIA on the LJ! It's cool here at work but somehow our IT dept. got the brilliant idea to block photobucket images which means that the plan that I had(to update RG while at work) is down the toilet which means I don't know when the heck I'll have it out! Blah! It's all set up on blogger but I can't see the pictures therefore I can't write it...because my process is take pics, vaguely think of the story you want to piece together with it and then while staring at the pictures write out the chapter. But since I can't do that I'm stalled! Bugger me!
I did figure out a work around to not being able to post to LJ at work(since they blocked it). Huzzah for crossposting on dreamwidth!!:P
It's actually quiet here at work. Friday and Saturday were crazy busy!! CRAZY! Had a bunch of soldiers here in the lobby early Saturday morning(which is my Friday night...anyways!) and ended up getting a number. What? He was coming to bail a friend out! And he had tats! And he was Latino! I-I can't help myself!:P It never fails that soldiers get arrested on Friday/Saturday. Either they're drunk at the local strip club or disorderly because they don't want to go back to their barracks. :(
Anyways, guess I'll either read a book or pop in another movie. Ohh...or maybe I'll call dispatch from my cell(which has an out of state number) and make a prank call! OMG! They did that to me once! Talking in whispers, saying they needed the police and this is when I first started!! Good times, good times!