So, I told a friend of mine at work that I would make him a Sim(he actually demanded that I make him a Sim and put him in one of my stories! LOL!). So, I booted up BS this morning and looking at a pic of him on Facebook(which I can't show because apparently Joey doesn't know how to take pics by himself and without his gun) but I think it's a pretty close likeness. And since JP likes to dance I had fun using the Nightlife box!:P And I haven't made his boyfriend yet. He had VERY specific specs on this dude! I'ma strangle him!:P This is also x-posted onto my site! Anyways, more pics behind the cut...
I actually had to download a freckled skin tone. I don't like most of the freckled skins tones out there but...meh! JP has freckles EVERYWHERE so I didn't have a choice! And it's hard to get the right skin tone because he's sorta kinda golden and pale at the same time!
When we went out and did karaoke he rapped a Vanilla Ice song. It was awesome!
Because he's intense like that!
I was making fun of him yesteday morning at work because he was wiggling his butt. He said: "Don't you know all fags are butt chasers?" Thanks Joey! Appreciate the mental image there!
No more! He's done! Close the curtain! Show is over!
His cop face. LOL!
And the side that all his friends see. Joey is made of win!
morkmork !!! Hope it is/was a good one!:D