Gaming Picspam

Feb 17, 2012 02:09

Between work and catching up on TV shows(Torchwood, Being Human(UK), Bones, rewatching Sherlock Holmes for the umpteenth time(anyone on my f-list watch it? I NEED more people to talk about it with!:P), etc) I've been gaming. Behind various cuts(that hopefully work!) are spam from Kingdoms of Amalur, ME3 Demo and some TS3 ish. Not in that particular order but yeah!:P Most of these have been posted on my tumblr though!

How have you guys been?

I may have spent more than a few hours playing the demo for ME3 okay!?

That Vega!!

Kara and Mollie in Jericho.

Testing out Joedy's new skins(they're just as awesome for TS3 as they are for TS2!).

gaming, mass effect 3 demo, tv shows, kingdoms of amalur:reckoning, sims 3, sims

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