It can not be helped! DA 2 has me in its clutches and won't let go! Soooorry! Not really since I'm loving this game! Aaand this was supposed to be posted yesterday but it was hot in my room so I just fell asleep! LOL!
I don't even...that's so becoming an icon! BRB! Making one...
Sandal is no!
Someone on tumblr said it looked as if he had a halo! Now that they mentioned it...
Love that shared look!
I see where you're looking there Isabela!
*Squeal* It takes me forever to finish the first act because I have to complete EVERY side quest!! Blah!! LOL! It can't be helped!
Also, in case you haven't heard, Bioware is having a celebration. They're giving away ME 2 for everyone that purchased, or purchases, DA 2. Bioware celebration.