September Writing Recap

Oct 01, 2014 11:40

Total words: 2,384
JATWIWB 'Verse: 0
Fic Assignments: 1,119
Other Fan Fiction: 738
Original Fiction: 0
Blog Posts: 527

Total days: 8

Well this has been a sucky month overall. On the one hand, yay (ish) to the prospect of employment at last, which won't solve all my financial troubles but will make them more manageable. But I must admit to a fair amount of trepidation, because I have absolutely no idea if I'll be able to handle a commute and a full-time job in my current mental state. (Which is, as always, fragile.)

I also posted asking for fic cheerleaders and several people responded very nicely, including one person who was really excited about both the Sam/Steve kinkmeme fill and my femslashex fic, and we've since been talking in a way that has really helped with my frustration and fear over those fics.

But weighed against that, last week my laptop decided to die without warning, and until I get a paycheck from the new job (which I don't even start for another three weeks) I can't afford to take it somewhere to get it looked at. Which means that I am currently limping along using my partner's iPod, my ancient desktop computer that can't even load wikipedia or my email programs, and the public library computers that also have trouble with some of my go-to sites (like tumblr) and have the added wrinkle of blocking things they deem pornographic (like tumblr). And I get to be stuck in the fun limbo where I have no idea if anything on my laptop harddrive will be salvageable.

And that sucks. A lot. Because of course I haven't backed anything up anywhere.

I don't use my computer for that much. I'd lose my digital music library, but since most of that's just songs I've ripped from my own CD collection to put on my partner's iPod, that can be rebuilt. I'd lose my resume and my past tax returns, but with a new job I have less need for those things right now. I'd lose all my bookmarks and the ways I customized my web browser, but that's more an inconvenience than an actual hardship, because I tend to be chary of bookmarking things (relying on faulty memory and google instead) and am not computer-savvy enough to have done a lot of customization.

But the main thing I use my laptop for is, of course, my writing, and that loss would be devastating.

In terms of the two projects I've been working on most recently, I wouldn't have lost that much. I've been posting the Sam/Steve kink meme fill as I go, so all that I can't access is a couple hundred words from the next section. Similarly, I have a (now-lucky) habit of procrastinating by uploading drafts of my WIPs to AO3 so I can play around with the tags, so the first two sections of my femslashex fic are available to me as well, and all I've lost is (again) a couple hundred words of the next section. (Those words are truly lost, however, because since that fic has a deadline I had to just start writing the section over so I could keep going on it. So even if I get my computer back those words are scrapped.)

But pretty much everything else that isn't already posted to AO3 is gone. In terms of one-shots, all that is the first third of the Bering & Wells catgirl fic and the start of that original erotica piece (which I'd probably give up anyway now that I have a steady income coming to me in the near future). I've started other one-shots at various points, but none of them were further than like 100 words in, so the loss of them doesn't cut particularly deeply. But in terms of bigger projects, the loss would be devastating. Because if my harddrive is unrecoverable, I have just lost pretty much everything I ever planned and started for the JATWITB 'verse and the entirety of my last couple NaNoWriMo attempts. (I think older writing than that is still somewhere on this ancient desktop, which is why I've saved the desktop despite never using it.) That's... a lot of writing and planning that I know I would not have the heart to try and replicate.

So yeah. September sucked. I've been able to force myself to keep working on the femslashex fic, though it's got quite a ways to go and now I'm down to 2 1/2 weeks before the deadline so I've gotta push harder on it. I haven't done anything on the Sam/Steve fic because I liked the couple hundred words I lost there and am hoping I'll be able to get them back rather than scrapping them like the couple hundred words on the femslashex fic. But beyond that I just wrote ficlets at the end of the month, things I could finish in one sitting and post immediately. (They are: Jane/Maya MCU fluff, Finch/Reese animal transformation POI ficlet, and Eve/M Skyfall pornlet which finally got me to the three ficlets I set as my minimum for posting to AO3.)

My word count was always going to be low for September because I started the month so slowly, but I'm really behind the eight ball with my goals the rest of the year now. To hit 75,000 words for the year I now need 9,322 words each month; to hit 100,000 words 17,655 words each month. Obviously I have to participate in NaNoWriMo if it works at all with my work schedule. But if my JATWITB verse is lost I have no idea what I'll write for it.

writing recap, 2014, technology, writing, pain

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