Writing Recap, 5/26 - 6/1

Jun 02, 2013 12:36

Total words: 885
NaNo Project: 0
Other Fiction: 434
Blog Posts: 451

Total days: 4

Bleh. I've been stressed and depressed and in pain, and that is not good for writing production. Also, suddenly it's summer and the hills to my west are on fire. And I've been playing on tumblr, and bending GIMP to my will for fandom purposes.

But I must push through, because suddenly my remix deadline is looming (one more month!) and at my current rate it'll take me a decade to write all the stories I want to write in this Tony/Rhodey 'verse and I've been coming up with lots of *other* 'verses I want to write (mostly femslash ones) and I've been letting my fan fiction back burner my original fiction and and and. . .

Yeah. I need to be more productive, on every front in my life than I am currently.

writing recap

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