Backdating on my journal

Mar 07, 2005 18:59

March 5, 2005

I was home for perhaps 15 minutes before I left for my grandma's. There's nothing like being down here. I love my grandma and miss her so much. I have to go home March 19 for her 77th birthday. That should be interesting to say the least. Supposedly the entire family is going to get together for it. I'm not sure how that's going to work out. Whenever the entire family gets together something always goes wrong. There's always yelling and screaming and arguing. Just once I'd like for the family to get together and have a NICE, CIVIL, POLITE time together. Even for an hour. That would be so very nice, but I doubt it will happen. I don't know if my family knows what that's all about.

As I said before, I'm at my grandma's. I don't have internet access here, so this will be posted Monday afternoon, if not Tuesday morning. It depends on when I get around to it, but tha'ts likely to be Monday afternoon. My brothers' are picking me up from my grandma's when they get off school and dropping me at home before going to work. I hope they remember that they have to pick me up on Monday. I will not be happy if they forget me. However, it wouldn't surprise me if it does happen, especially since it wouldn't be the first time that I've been forgotten. My freshman year of high school I was left downtown until 5:30 or 6pm at night. That wasn't fun. It was really damn scary, actually. When he picked me up, he told me that he hadn't forgotten me; he was working late. However, how can that be true? He could have picked me up and taken me to his work with him. It wouldn't have been the first time that it had happened, that he took me to his work so he could get more work finished and not have to worry about me being downtown.

My aunt (Philly) and cousin (Molly) went shopping all day. Haha. I'm so glad I didn't get dragged into that. I hate shopping; I hate it even more if it's longer than perhaps two or three hours. Even that amount of time is a strain on me. They're apparently going out all day tomorrow as well. My aunt's taking my cousin to CCD (some Catholic thing) and then they're meeting up with friends and then going to an art show that is supposed to last until 5pm or so. That should be interseting. I know my cousin will be talking about it all evening when she gets home. It'll be interseting to hear about it.

Wee! Graphic sex on television. We're watching King Arthur, and there's about to be sex. Woot! Haha. Okay. I just like watching Kiera Knightly naked; very hot. Let me tell you. Whoever is ... damn. No sex. They were interrupted by a knock on the wall telling Arthur to go to the wall. Haha. Anyway, back to what I was saying. Whoever is playing Arthur really isn't that attractive at all.

So, I saw a movie last night. I saw Cursed. It was actually good, minus the fact that there were all kinds of jumpy parts. I HATE THINGS POPPING OUT AT ME!!!!! >_< Although, there was one part at the beginning when the clock was ticking with that ominous music and I didn't jump when the little wolf (how ironic) popped out to tell the hour. Hahaha! Tyne jumped at it. Tyne, again, I'm sorry I kept squeezing your hand. I didn't mean to hurt it.

The movie was rather predictable, but I enjoyed it all the same. It was fun to get out and hang out with people instead of just staying in my room, as I normally do. I really enjoyed yesterday, even trying Indian food. That was an adventure for me. And, the spicy food is not cool. I think I should have started out with a 1 or 2 level of spiciness instead of 3. It was too hot and too spicy. Okay, it really wasn't that bad at all, but it was still rather spicy. Oh well. I enjoyed it. I just know that if I even eat Indian again to get a 1 or 2 level of spiciness instead. Probably a 2. Like I said, 3 wasn't bad, but it was a tad bit too spicy for me.

Okay. I just spent an entire paragraph talking about Indian food and the level of spiciness. Not an entire paragraph, but close enough that it can count, especially on notepad that I'm typing it up on. I do realize that I'm babbling, I really do, but it gives me something to do as I watch the rest of the movie. It's a good movie, and I'm enjoying watching it, but I need something to do with my hands. I'm quite antsy. I ended up taking a nap this afternoon for about an hour or two, and so that has me wide awake at the moment. It's 10:55pm, and I'm wide awake. This isn't good in the least. I'll probably be awake until 2am or so and then sleep until 7am when my aunt and cousin come over before they head to church. Ugh. That doesn't make me happy. Oh well.

"Uhh ... Finally. A man worth killing." -Saxon Chief

Okay. I keep getting distracted by this movie. Oops? Like I said, it's enjoyable. I don't know if it's one I'd actually want to own, but it's a good movie all the same. It's no Van Helsing (mmm ... good movie), but it'll do. I have two animes on my computer: Vampire Hunter D and the sequel to it. I still need to watch those. They've been on my computer for close to a year now, and I still haven't watched them. Haha. YAY! The knights are going back to fight with Arthur!!! I get so excited with movies. That and I'm rather vicious/violent when I watch them. Rawr! I like blood and violence, especially when it's well deserved or when I don't like a character. Go figure. That happens quite often. =)

Okay. So I opened notepad up to a full screen, and this is still rather large. I'm rather surprised to see that. The paragraphs are a rather nice size. About four or five lines each. Woot! Some of them are even longer than that, but, again, some are rather shorter than this.

"Let the history remember that as free men we chose to make it so." -Arthur

Yes. This entire thing is dispersed with quotes from King Arthur. The're not that long. You can skip over them. You know. I need to start taking my computer to classes with me. I could take notes a lot faster this way than I can writing them by hand. That would be very helpful, especially in Cognitive Psychology where we're taking a lot of notes and having to write very fast. Sometimes

YAY! KIERA KNIGHTLY!!! Hot. She's got her tribal clothing on and blue makeup. She's got a very nice body.

Wow. I just stopped in mid sentence with what I was typing before I made the comment about Kiera. Haha. *goes to read what she was typing before* ... Okay. That's right. Sometimes I don't get all the notes in Cog because there are so many so fast, not to mention the fact that beside the notes she has on powerpoint she has a lot more that she verbalizes to us, so this would allow me to keep my notes organized, keep up with all that she says, and actually get all the powepoint notes taken down. Hmm... sounds like a good idea. Whether or not I'll actually do it is a different story.

Okay. So this Saxon just came through the wall and back to the North side to report to the Saxon's. My aunt's comment, "It's like coming out of a haunted house. ... 'Don't make me go back in there!'" I really love her. She's great. I just told her that she ... "Come on in ... my little pretties. They all come in and wait for this huge battle and go, 'Oh ... where ...'" Haha. I keep stopping in mid sentence. I'm just having a lot of fun tonight. Anyway, I just told my aunt that she made my journal post and when I told her why she began laughing at me.

Oh fuck. My screen went dim so I brightened it again, but the brightness hurts my eyes. I need my sunglasses.

"Nice outfit she has on ..." -My aunt about Kiera Knightly's outfit. Mmm ... hot.

*dims screen so it doesn't hurt her eyes* You know it's bad when I threaten to put my sunglasses on at night, in a house because the screen is too bright for my eyes. Damn sensitive eyes. I think it's so bad because the movie's rather dim, as is my grandma's house, and then I brightened the screen and it was all, "AHH!!! THE LIGHT!!! IT BURNS!!!"

Okay. You know, my neck doesn't hurt as bad as it did. It was rather bruised feeling, not that I really mind. I enjoyed all the times it could have possibly gotten bruised and why it could have/would have gotten bruised. Yes, that was very convoluted. No, I don't plan on going back and fixing it so that it reads easier.

Ugh!!!!!!!! Okay, if you get shot with an arrow, you're not going to pull it out the way it came in. 1. It'll hurt too damn badly. 2. It'll make a bigger hole if you do it that way. DUH!!! I was just thinking about something, Oh yea! I remember! My aunt's comments are so funny. She's getting upset about the fact that one of the characters was just killed. Her response was amusing, not that I remember what all of it was at this point. Anyway, I was just going to comment about how there are a number of women warriors in this movie, and that makes me rather happy. Woot! Women! I want to be a warrior. Actually, I'd just love the chance to learn how to use a sword. Sword was typed as "word" until a moment ago when I looked over it and went, "Huh? What the hell am I saying?" Then I reread it and fixed it. The end.

Not really. I'm not finished writing this entry. The movie's not over, so I still have more to write. I can come up with a lot to babble about for the last half an hour (less?) or the movie.

I'm going to the movies Tuesday afternoon/evening with Tim. We're supposed to see Constantine. I believe that it's based on a comic book character that has to go between heaven and hell. It should be interesting to see, at least. I'll give you a review Tuesday night of the movie. Score!!! Lancelot just pushed his sword through the Saxon's chief's son's neck. That was hot.

You know, maybe I'm really sick or something, but the sight of blood is hot to me. I think it has a lot to do with the kinks I have, but blood is hot. And now that I've alienated all the people that have actually bothered to read this post (long as it may be), I'll return to what I was talking about. Woot.

My aunt was rather pleased to see that I was wearing the shirt that she bought me for Christmas. It's pastel pink (go figure) and has a kitty on it (black with a white stripe) and the words ... My aunt has a good point. Adrien Paul (The Highlander) should have played King Arthur. Gah! I am getting distracted very easily. Wait. That's nothing new in the least. I always get distracted and forget what I'm saying. Anyway! Back to the shirt. It says, "Don't bother me ... Or I'll bite your head off." Doesn't that fit for me so well? Too bad I had my carebear hoodie on so that no one could actually see the shirt. However, I lifted my shirt up so that people could see it. It amuses me to wear it, especially since I hate to wear pastel colors. I don't think I look good in them, even if other people think I do. People tell me that I should wear lighter colors, but I tell them I look better in black. Okay. So, maybe it's just a matter of opinion. Here's your new poll:

Would I look better in pastels or dark colors?


Okay. There's the survey/poll/quiz. I wonder if anyone will actually get this far into the entry that they'll take the time to answer the quiz. Let me know if you get this far. I'd be rather amused to know one way or another if you get this far. Although, I suppose that if you answer the quiz/question/poll that it means that you ... "That's their idea of firewords." *watches warriors shoot fire arrows into the sky* -my aunt ... actually got this far into it. That or you just skimmed. Either way, people should answer my quiz/poll/thing.

You know, I should end this now because the movie is over, but I'm not finished babbling. The movie is over, and I'm still wide awake. Go figure.

I think I'll go watch Vampire Hunter D and then come back to this. Maybe. It looks like the movie's not going to play. *sighs and tries it in another movie player*

Fuck! I have my cousin leaning over my shoulder, eating poprocks in my ear. Ugh! That's not a sound I like to hear close up. I said that I was watching an anime, and she's all, "Ugh! I want to watch it." I told her it was too violent for her to watch and she's all, "No it's not! Wolf's Rain ..." I cut her off with, "I'm not watching Wolf's Rain. I'm watching Vampire Hunter D." Then, she's all, "Well, I want to watch it." GAH!!!!!!!

I start the movie in DivX (YAY! IT WORKED! I DIDN'T HAVE TO USE MEDIA PLAYER! SCORE!) and she's leaning over my shoulder, eating FUCKING POPROCKS and trying to watch it. She just needs to leave me be at times. *sighs* I can't watch the movie at this point, anyway. I want to watch it in the dark, and it's not dark at the moment. My cousin's sitting in here, watching Animal Planet, with the lights on. Gah! She just turned the volume up. Why must she do this to me???

*sighs* Well, at least the television is off now. My aunt told her that she's going over to their house and going to bed, no ifs ands or buts. That makes me quite happy. It means I can change into my pajamas and then come in here and watch Vampire Hunter D without interruptions. Woot! Woot!

*goes to tell her grandma goodnight and I love you*

That's finished, and I found out that my aunt and cousin won't be over here until 8 or 8:30 in the morning. It's still a lot earlier than I want to be woken up, but I know that I can go back to sleep, assuming that they don't cook breakfast and expect me to eat. Ugh. Mornings. Food. Food in the mornings. I don't do well with that one, although it has been known to happen from time to time. Go figure.

I'm really thinking of moving to the Woodcrest apartments next year (this upcoming year). I don't know if I will or not just because I'd have no idea of who my roommates would be, and that'd be a bit odd to be roomed with people I don't know in the least. I don't want to be stuck with strangers. Meh! Although, I really would like the chance to be able to cook my own food. Maybe I'll look into doing it my senior year and moving into Woodcrest with my cousin. She'd be a sophomore then, so it'd be allowed, and I think I'd enjoy for it to happen. Like I said, I could cook my own food. I love cooking, I really do, and this would give me the chance to do so. Tyne and Ryan, if you two would like for me to cook for you at any point, let me know and I'll do so. I miss being able to cook. The same goes for baking. I'd be willing to bake/cook for you at any time, provided it's not a Thursday this semester as they're horribly busy. I even do my own dishes. I feel so domesticated at the moment, and I'm sitting on a couch, in my grandma's house, typing up a journal entry to be posted two days from now. I think it's just the thinking about cooking and baking that's making me feel that way.

I really do like to do housework, provided it's not sweeping. I really am shitty at sweeping. Bah! I mean, I can do it, and I can do a good job at it, but it takes me a lot longer to do a good job of it than it does with a number of other tasks, such as baking/cooking or washing dishes. I actually find cleaning dishes to be theraputic. I mean, I just submerge my hands into the water and come out feeling clean and refreshed. That and I know that I've done a good job because the dishes are clean as well. It's as relaxing as writing or meditating are for me. Wee.

Well, I have 12 minutes until 12 (haha), so I think I'll ramble for the remaining time and then watch the anime. After that I can start working on a journal entry for March 6, detailing all of it. I'll probably be cranky if I write in the morning. Come on. Me? In the morning? I've gotten much better at it, but that doesn't mean that I don't abhor mornings all the same. They're just so ... early. yes, I realize that's rather redundant. I'll say it anyway. Mornings are so early. I think what makes it bad is that there's light when you first wake up, and as I'm not a fan of light (yes, my secret's out. I'm a vampire. Shh!) it makes me rather angry. My roommate last semester told me that when I wake up the look on my face is rather scary. She told me that she was afraid to talk to me in the morning for fear that I would kill her. Yea. That's me for you. A regular morning serial killer.

Although, I do have to agree with her. I absolutely abhor mornings. I didn't like it last semester when I had people talking to me as soon as I walked into the bathroom. Just give me my damn shower and let me be. That's all I know. Bah! Maybe it's all psychological, but I feel like I have to shower in the morning so that I'll be more awake. I mean, showering in the morning wakes me up. Yea. That's what I was trying to say. Like I said, it could all be psycological, but at the moment, tha'ts the way it feels to me. That and I feel dirty if I don't shower in the morning, just like I feel really gross if I don't brush my teeth when I get up. I feel all ... ick! Yes. That's the best way to describe how I feel. Haha. *burps*

My head is starting to hurt a little, but I'm not sure why. I know it's not because of a lack of sleep. I took a two hour nap this afternoon, although I think if I turn off the light I'll fall asleep all the same. Maybe I'll just watch the anime tomorrow. We'll see. I have seven minutes until midnight. The more I think about it, the more I realize that I Think I'm tired. Sure, I could stay up and watch the anime, but I wouldn't wake up until 10 or so tomorrow morning. Of course, that's not counting being woken up when my aunt and cousin walk over here.

Gah! I have Bowling for Soup's "Emily" stuck in my head. Thanks Laura. I blame it all on you since you sent me the song in the first place. At least it's not a bad song. I played it for my mom, and she actually liked it. That's a bit weird. I'm not accustomed to my mother liking my music. She also, apparently, likes Scissor Sisters. That's just a bit too weird for me. She even likes the song, "No Tits on the Radio." WTF mate??? is all I can say to that. It's not normal. She also likes some of Blur. I didn't have a chance to play a lot of Blur for her, but I did get to play "Sweet Song" for her. Phew. I got the name correct. Yes, I did just go look it up and make sure I had typed the correct name for the song. =)

Okay. So someone sent me a rather different song. Okay. I remember who. Thanks stuntcat. It's different, but I think I like it. *listens to it as she finishes this entry* It's got a nice beat at least. Speaking of music, my brother had me listen to rap this afternoon on the way to our grandma's. I don't remember the artist, but there was a very good beat to the music. I was rather surprised. Then again, I've found that rap (at least what I've heard) has a good beat. I don't listen to the words because I know that I wouldn't like them at all, but I like the beat of the music. It's ... well, nice. It's better than the beats to a lot of other music.

Don't get me wrong. I will always be a metal girl, but I'm slowly branching out my tastes in music. I'm not sure that I'll really become a friend of techno, but I can listen to it on occassion. I really like the "Butterfly" techno remix I have and some song wyldeman sent me. Fuck if I remember what it was. It was good all the same. It really was, and I listen to it on occassion. It was by Theater of Tragedy; "Let You Down," maybe. I'm not sure.

Well. Enough rambling. It's midnight and time for me to go watch my movie. Wee! *will post again after the movie if she's still awake and coherent enough to do so*
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