I finally have a room here on base with internet, so I can post much more frequently.
Engineering school continues, neither good nor bad, I'm still in the running for top grad and advancement.
Haven't been doing too much interesting, although Tom and I had a good day in Chicago last weekend, checked out Chinatown and Shedd Aquarium. Mid-month we're planning on getting a hotel room in downtown and check out a few more museums (all free for military) and trying a restaraunt called
Russian Tea Time. I got the idea because I'm trying to learn russian on my own because
1. I need a foreign language to the 202-level to obtain a degree that'll get me into grad school and
2. Russian is on the Strategic Language List, and thus pays a hefty bonus depending on my level of expertise.
It's been fun so far, the part I thought would be hardest is the cyrillic alphabet, however that only took me a couple days for decent mastery. Now I keep accidentally writing И instead of N and writing a lot of my lower case letters in small capitals mixed with normal lower case.
Чйкаго = Chicago! Yay me! That's how I learned the whole thing, just taking proper nouns and spelling them out phoneticaly in русский (Russian).
I'm also trying to change my rate from Machinist's Mate to Engineman, a nearly impossible talk, we'll see how that goes. It would present many more opportunities for me, plus MMs are on hold for months here waiting for orders. That's all for now, до свидания.