Mar 03, 2010 07:23
Orders are being cut...hopefully by Monday morning.
Logan, Jay, and I will be moving to Fort Gordon, GA (next to Augusta) for 6 months while Jay enters another AIT program for 94E - Radio and Communications Security Repairer. It's a 6 month program (in contrast to his last AIT which was 10 weeks). I've been told it's a large amount of bookwork, fairly difficult AIT (but not physically difficult).
We'll most likely be leaving sometime in April and be done at Gordon sometime in the fall. From there, it's up to the army where we go, but friends in that MOS have told us that 94E often gets stationed in Hawaii, Alaska, or Korea. WOW! Am I in for a change, or what?
Well, the way I've been looking at it lately, that 5 seconds may have saved Jay's life in a way. He admitted that his knees and hips had really taken a beating lately training for the PT test, and Airborne school would've made it that much worse. He could've really done some horrible damage had he continued with an Airborne qualification. So maybe it's good that he's now doing something that requires a little more brain and a little less brawn.
I came to the conclusion the other day, before we made the decision to reclass, that I shouldn't be so obnoxious about moving again. I don't really even like it here in North Carolina. I mean, it's OK...but it wasn't what I thought it would be. The dance scene is sort of cliquey and I certainly don't feel safe in this area with the rapes and break-ins that happen so often. Then I remembered that before this, we used to move ALL THE TIME on PURPOSE! We love to explore and see new places. So why should that stop? Especially now that we're in the army!
The only thing I'm worried about is my job. I have to go in on Monday and let them know that I can't start teaching on Tuesday...since the army is sending us to Georgia probably by April. Since his AIT program is 24 weeks, we are allowed to go and live with him.
We also found out yesterday that although they were going to retest Jay for Airborne school, he actually had already lost his spot in Psychological Operations and would have had to reclass anyway! Talk about annoying. Just another waste of money for the tax payers. to another adventure.