The past two weeks I’ve been working a lot on perler bead stuff. After I had finished the two images I did of Attack On Titan that has been sent to the printers for print, I had debated on what I should make with all these perler beads that my husband had gotten for me. I’ve already made some pixel character works of some AOT characters and the Wings of Freedom emblem. I had also made some companion cube boxes as well, but I needed to make more stuff to be sold or displayed at the upcoming convention this weekend called FreeCon.
I’m so clearly obsessed with these beads because I seem to have so many things I want to create and I just don’t want to crate the same thing that everyone else is making with these beads; which is game pixels of Mario and Pokemon sprites. I mean I love those things and I would make them myself, but it’s a pattern that can be found anywhere. I am a creative I guess and I like to make my own patterns for things like this. I would rather look up tutorials to see the technique in making something and use hat skill that I learn and put that to use on a project I am working on.
The companion cube box I used a tutorial I found on and used it as a reference to the box I made. Though I wanted it to be sturdy enough to be a box and hold things so I made a basswood box to go inside the perler box as a skeletal frame. So the perler panels became the skin of the box.
There is just so many things I want to make and not enough time I the day to do it in. I guess it doesn’t help that I’ve been sleeping in until past noon or until the kid comes home from school. It’s not healthy to do so and I should stop and get to a normal sleeping and waking schedule.
We’ll FreeCon is in a couple of days and I’m going to have to push hard to get more stuff done for display and to sell. Though I am going to have to cut down on the caffeine because I’m seriously feeling the jitters.
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