Well according to the polls I guess I should put DE on a schedule update. Although I stay at home most of the time and take care of my daughter I should be able to keep up a decent update. I just need to pick how often I should update and what days to update. The newest poll just seems tied up right now so I suppose I need to wait a few more weeks to get a definate answer on it. Although I guess 12 votes is all the readers I have. Hehe well it doesn’t matter I not discourage about it in fact I keep on working on it. I need to put some more updates soon trying to do 5 pages so I can just put it on a schedule posting.
So I think this is going to be posted to my LJ automatically I’m not too sure about that I downloaded an addon for WordPress to do that cause I can’t stand updating three different blogs. Livejournal though has been neglected and used to just update at 12 am from my twitter. We’ll see if it updates or not.
Oh I found some super cute contact lenses and have ordered some so in about two weeks they should be arriving. I’m like a contact lens freak and I always liked them. I try to get some but never find a decent place to get them around here so I found a place online. I might have to get some other colors later I just bought blue contact so eventually I’ll have a collection of color contacts and each for a different mood I’m in. One day I’ll be like hey I feel purple so I’m going to wear my purple contact lenses. Hehe
Now I think I’m going to take a break and play Starcraft 2 Beta.
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