Jan 25, 2005 10:35
Who Knew...
Sealed envelope - Put in the freezer for a few hours,
then slide a knife under the flap. The envelope can
then be resealed. (hmmmmmm...)
Use Empty toilet paper roll to store appliance cords. It
keeps them neat and you can write on the roll what
appliance it belongs to.
For icy door steps in freezing temperatures: get warm
water and put Dawn dishwashing liquid in it. Pour it all
over the steps. They won't refreeze. (wish I had known
this for the last 40 years!)
Crayon marks on walls? This worked wonderfully! A damp
rag, dipped in baking soda. Comes off with little effort
(elbow grease that is!).
Permanent marker on appliances/counter tops (like store
receipt BLUE!) rubbing alcohol on paper towel.
Whenever I purchase a box of S..O.S Pads, I immediately
take a pair of scissors and cut each pad into halves. After
years of having to throw away rusted and unused and smelly
pads, I finally decided that this would be much more economical.
And now a box of S.O.S pads last me indefinitely! In fact, I
have noticed that the scissors get sharpened this way!
Blood stains on clothes? Not to worry! Just pour a little
hydrogen peroxide on a cloth and proceed to wipe off
every drop of blood. Works every time! Now, where to put
the body? LOL
Use vertical strokes when washing windows outside and
horizontal for inside windows. This way you can tell which
side has the streaks. Straight vinegar will get outside
windows really clean. Don't wash windows on a sunny day.
They will dry too quickly and will probably stre
Spray a bit of perfume on the light bulb in any room to create
a lovely light scent in each room when the light is turned on.
Place fabric softener sheets in dresser drawers and your
clothes will Smell freshly washed for weeks to come. You
can also do this with towels and linen.
Candles will last a lot longer if placed in the freezer for at least
3 hours prior to burning.
To clean artificial flowers, pour some salt into a paper bag
and add the flowers. Shake vigorously as the salt will absorb
all the dust and dirt and leave your artificial flowers looking
like new! Works like a charm!
To easily remove burnt on food from your skillet, simply add
a drop or two of dish soap and enough water to cover bottom
of pan, and bring to a bo
il on stovetop.
Spray your TUPPERWARE with nonstick cooking spray
before pouring in tomato based sauces and there won't be
any stains.
Wrap celery in aluminum foil when putting in the refrigerator
and it Will keep for weeks.
When boiling corn on the cob, add a pinch of sugar to help
bring out the corn's natural sweetness.
Cure for headaches: Take a lime, cut it in half and rub it on
your forehead. The throbbing will go away.
Don't throw out all that leftover wine: Freeze into ice cubes
for future use in casseroles and sauces. Left over wine?
What's that?! :)
To get rid of itch from mosquito bites, try applying soap on
the area And you will experience instant relief.
Ants, ants, ants everywhere .... Well, they are said to never
cross a chalk line. So get your chalk out and draw a line on
the floor or wherever ants tend to march. See for yourself.
Use air-freshener to clean mirrors. It does a good job and
better still, leaves a lovely smell to the shine.
When you get a splinter, reach for the scotch tape before
resorting to tweezers or a needle. Simply put the scotch
tape over the splinter, then pull it off. Scotch tape removes
most splinters painlessly and easily.
Now look what you can do with Alka Seltzer. Clean a toilet.
Drop in two Alka Seltzer tablets,wait twenty minutes, brush
and flush. The citric acid and effervescent action clean
vitreous China.
Clean a vase. To remove a stain from the bottom of a glass
vase or cruet, fill with water and drop in two Alka Seltzer tablets.
Polish jewelry. Drop two Alka Seltzer tablets into a glass of
water and immerse the jewelry for two minutes.
Clean a thermos bottle. Fill the bottle with water, drop in
four Alka Seltzer tablets, and let soak for an hour (or longer,
if necessary).
Unclog a drain. Clear the sink drain by dropping three Alka
Seltzer Tablets down the drain followed by a cup of Heinz
White Vinegar. Wait a few minutes, then run the hot water.
Do your friends a favor. Pass this timely (and some not-so-timely)
information on to a friend! I just did. Makes you wonder about ingesting Alka Seltzer, doesn't it?