the end of the hallows

Jul 21, 2007 18:00

I just can't find words to express how much love I have for the last book.

I was almost ripping my hair out by the time I got the book three and a half hours after everyone else. I got back home an hour later. It was so frustrating to have the book in front of me but not being able to read it.

Just OMG. Loved the beginning, loved the middle, loved the ending (NOT the epilogue.. that's badfic). Harry was BRILLIANT in this. There are parts that I didn't like (EPILOGUE! Why must she put that in?!The ring locket reminded me of LOTR's ring, Ginny/Harry eurghh, Fred died OMG how can he die? I predicted Remus and Moody's death but Fred? Painful) but overall, the book's amazing (though it does feel like I'm reading a fanfic every now and then), and it lived up to my expectations. However, I think the Deathly Hallows was fascinating but it wasn't crucial to the plot/she should have elaborated more.

My theories are all proven true. RAB. Aberforth! Harry as the seventh horcrux! It's something that everyone just knew before they read the book. I felt horrible because I thought that Harry was going to die too; too many people that I love in the book died. I stopped reading and almost started sobbing and I'm SO SO happy when I found out that I was mistaken. Just OMG. I actually 'predicted' the epilogue just yesterday night while answering
tsosh's comment. The kids are cute, but the Ginny/Harry part is too predictable. But hey, there are lots of H/D moments in DH. (Too bad for the receding hairline LOL) Bella's a BITCH! :D Draco's so cowardly... but as I mull things over, he did have the guts to lie about not knowing the trio and he really didn't want anyone to die. And Snape's NOT EVIL! I knew it ages ago! But he died, and even if somehow I already knew he's going to die, it made me sad. Oh, and when the doe patronus came out, I was all 'Snape! He's the one who cast it! ...Eh?'. Now I'm somewhere between cackling like a loon and sobbing my heart out.

I want to say more but I can't right now cause I'm not making any sense I'm just overwhelmed with squee and love and sadness because the HP series has ended for good. My hands are trembling like mad, I can't even type properly.

{omg}, fandom: harry potter

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