Tumblr Recs Sorted by Fandom, Pairing, and Volume

Apr 21, 2016 22:20

Though all my recs are cross-posted to both LJ (see sidebar) and Tumblr, my Tumblr blogs can be sorted according to kinks, themes, genre, and more. I thought I'd repost my Masterlist of Tumblr Recs here, just in case it'll be helpful to some of you who might want to look for specific themed recs.

Frequently Recced

Sherlock (~320 recs | Sherlock/John | Sherlock/Greg | Sherlock/John/Greg | John/Greg | Mycroft/Greg
| Mycroft/John | Mycroft/Sherlock/John | Greg/Molly | John/Mary | Sherlock/Mary/John | Sherlock/Jim
| Sherlock/Molly | Sherlock/Sally | Sherlock/Anderson | Sebastian/John | Gen)

Teen Wolf (~180 recs | Derek/Stiles | Danny/Stiles | Scott/Stiles | Scott/Jackson | Allison/Scott/Stiles
| Chris/Stiles | Derek/Stiles/Laura | Deucalion/Stiles | Twins/Stiles | Dylan/Tyler | Tyler/Ian/JR | Gen)

Merlin (~120 recs | Merlin/Arthur | Merlin/Gwaine | Merlin/Gwaine/Lancelot | Merlin/Uther | Arthur/Gwen
| Bradley/Colin | Preslash | Gen)

Avengers (~100 recs | Steve/Tony | Darcy/Clint | Clint/Phil | Bruce/Tony | Steve/Darcy | Natasha/Maria
| Steve/Natasha | Clint/Loki | Tony/Loki | Steve/Tony/Pepper | Steve/Tony/Bruce | Clint/Natasha)

Harry Potter (~35 recs | Harry/Draco | Harry/Severus | Harry/Sirius | Remus/Tonks | Draco/Bellatrix)

Suits (~25 recs | Mike/Harvey)

Supernatural (~20 recs | Dean/Castiel | Dean/Sam | Gen)

Inception (~20 recs | Arthur/Eames)

Hawaii Five O (~15 recs | Steve/Danno)

Skyfall (~15 recs | James/Q)

Star Trek: Reboot (~15 recs | Kirk/Spock | Kick/McCoy)

Less than 10 recs

American Idol (Kris/Adam)
Billy Elliot (Billy/Michael)
Calvin and Hobbes (Calvin/Susie)
Captain America (Steve/Bucky | Steve/Peggy)
Hockey RPF (Patrick/Jonathan | Evgeni/Sidney)
House (House/Wilson)
How To Train Your Dragon (Astrid/Hiccup)
Naruto (Naruto/Sasuke)
Pacific Rim (Raleigh/Mako/Chuck)
Sherlock Holmes (2009) (Sherlock/John/Mary)
The Dark Knight (Bane/Blake)
The Eagle (Marcus/Esca)
The Hobbit (Thorin/Bilbo)
The Losers (Cougar/Jensen)
The Walking Dead (Daryl/Glenn)
Thor (Thor/Loki)
Xmen: First Class (Erik/Charles)

Crossover Pairings (Mike/Tony | Mike/Harvey/Tony)

Original fiction (OMC/OMC)

Please note, most of the recs made prior to 2010 aren't cross-posted to my Tumblrs. I reckon there are collectively about 400 older recs from the HP and Merlin fandoms that can be found on my LJ instead.


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