Star Trek: Into Darkness Review

May 24, 2013 22:28

I just came back from the cinema an hour ago and I'mma go through the movie real quick before I read other people's reviews...

Did I enjoy the movie? Yes, I definitely did! I think it was fun, fast-paced, filled with explosive action, and there are lots of small character moments and interactions that I absolutely loved. As for the villain, Benedict has a great presence and the cadence of his voice is really something. I particularly loved how much closer Kirk and Spock is - and with Uhura too! Scotty! Sulu! Chekov! I'm a doctor! All the hilarity!

But does it make me go ajsdhsldjaklds so goooood? Yes, from a feeeels and visual POV, but unfortunately, not quite from a storyline POV. Don't get me wrong, the action was really exciting and I did love the main characters, but I wish the story itself was stronger and less predictable. I mean, a handful of stuff, I can make excuses for and handwave away, however, I don't know if it's just me, but there seem to be a lot of things in this one that glares at me.

Usually, I'm 100% into a movie but this time there's a running commentary in my head as I was watching everything unfold on the screen (Character feels bits aside). E.g. of Huey brain during the movie:
  • Why hide the Enterprise in the water when it could be in space? Just send a small ship down to the alien planet.
  • Better yet, don't they have any vessel that could drop the cold fusion device into the volcano? Manually activated device, really?
  • Dude, don't call it cold fusion (which doesn't freeze things). Create another sciencey word for your deep freeze thing.
  • Aren't you already breaking Prime Directive by interfering/saving the alien planet, Spock? What's one more rule-breaking?
  • Er, the heat fried up the ship but not Spock?
  • Why didn't Starfleet have better security to monitor the meeting's surroundings after a terrorist attack?
  • In the future nearly all the important people in Star Fleet = white, male, human. Kinda goes against Roddenberry's intentions, no?
  • Khan transported himself all the way to Kronos in the movie... Could we stop using the transporter all the time - it's just too convenient to choose when it is possible or not possible to beam people around to suit the plot/add drama, man.
Fast forward lots of minutes >>
  • "Ohohoho," Bones say. "Let me inject this super weird blood into a dead tribble and see what happens." *Mad scientist laughter*
  • Let me get this straight, Khan and his ppl are genetically engineered ppl from the 60s since this movie is set in 2259(?)
  • No, 'course I'm not going to tell you what happened with Khan in mah world, Other Spock, but I'mma tell you.
  • Er, but you do know that there are like 72 other bodies you can use to harvest the shit yeah?
  • 237,000 km away from Earth is less than the distance between the moon and Earth... did NO one try to investigate the big explosions in space? It fell to earth in like 10 minutes ...
  • Wait, so no more mentions of the Klingons? Forshadowing of way in the future retaliations perhaps? Guess Marcus was just a little over-excited.
It's natural to have plot-holes or -convenience in scifi, fantasy or comic book genre movies. A lot of the technical mumbo jumbo is made up and it's normal for the heroes to be invincible and defeat undefeatable odds. But don't they have consultants that could help with the technological or plot aspects just to make things a tad more realistic/less sloppy?

Also, I'm a little miffed that they chose to focus on Khan when they could have easily created a whole new villain for this movie. Okay, fine, you want to do Khan cause it's the second reboot movie like how the Wrath of Khan is the second movie in the original films *isn't that clever wink wink*. And yes, I do think Benny makes an awesome villain but it would have been awesomer if he had played someone else instead. Khan's second hand man, perhaps? Or *le gasp* an original villain! Part of me wished that they have hired someone like Shahrukh to play this role cause omg Khan playing Khan lol, or even Kal Penn cause John Cho!! For a second there I seriously thought the dude with the dying daughter was going to be a guy called Khan and John Harrison was going to use him or his identity to infiltrate Starfleet in some cool surprising way. xD

Can't really comment on any sexual component the movie may have (all censored, lol).

That aside, I'm so excited to read the fics that will come of this; there's so many things that can be explored further with the dynamics between the main ensemble cast. The slash is strong in this one. ;)

stuff: movie reviews

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