Derek/Stiles Canon Recs

Mar 31, 2013 20:47


Blushing Pretty by the_deep_magic [NC-17] orgasm denial, light bdsm, sex toys
Wordcount: 3,464
Summary: Tonight’s the rare occasion when he gets to take Stiles apart, piece by piece, and Stiles - annoying, mouthy, brilliant, gorgeous Stiles - lets him.

Bring It On by marguerite_26 [NC-17] crossdressing, fingering, locker room sex
Wordcount: 3,895
Summary: When the Beacon Hills lacrosse team made a bet with the Beacon Hills cheerleading squad, Stiles should have recognized the smirks on the girls' faces and stopped the whole thing right there.

Finger Bangin' by Hatteress [NC-17] fingering, handkink
Wordcount: 3,464
Summary: Stiles starts bringing drumsticks to Pack gatherings, sitting himself on the edge of the group to tap out maddening rhythms on his knees as the werewolves train. The first time he’d pulled them out, spinning one stick in a showy twirl between his fingers, Derek had actually staggered a little, missed a basic move, and ended up on his back blinking up at fucking Jackson, of all people.

Invited Inside by blacktofade [NC-17] biting, bloodplay
Wordcount: 14,134
Summary: Of all the things to finally bite him, a vampire is truly at the bottom of Stiles’ list.

No Contest (we’re not Seinfeld) by marguerite_26 [NC-17] virginity/inexperience, intercrural, wanking
Wordcount: 8,431
Summary: “Everyone thinks their dick is great, Stiles. You’re the only one who can’t seem to keep your hands off yours.”

Runnin’ On My Mind Boy by tourdefierce [NC-17] somnophilia, dubcon, knotting, rough sex, felching
Wordcount: 11,384
Summary: Derek lets himself have this indulgence. That’s how he thinks of it but maybe he’s wrong. Not about it being dangerous and stupid, because it is definitely still that, but perhaps he’s not the one making all the decisions around here. For once, maybe Stiles is giving him this and Derek isn’t so much as taking, as he’s just stop lying to himself.

[A story in which Derek feels all over the place, is still creepy, and Stiles acknowledges all of that, but doesn’t understand why they can’t be having sex and angsting about their lives at the same time.]

[recs] derek/stiles, [recs]

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