Birthday thankies!

Oct 12, 2011 22:31

Happy birthday to my awesome birthday twins, marguerite_26 and Bradley James!

Hee, isn't Colin adorable? I'm going to imagine that he put that hat on for me instead.

I'd like to thank the following people for making my birthday special!

For the birthday emails, PMs and wishes:

treacle_tartlet, norton_gale, lizardspots, michichu2, marguerite_26, blamebrampton, naadi, yenny2206, fireflavored, subtlefire, leashy_bebes, besamislabios

For the wonderful vgifts:

skriftlig, sra_danvers, jtsbbsps_dk, cassie_black12, altri_uccelli, winterstorrm, piratesmile331, ladyvader, fanlay, naadi, bryoneybrynn, rickey_a, nenne, kitty_fic, melusinahp

For the talking moose:

For the birthday posts:
vaysh11, babydracky

Ah-mah-zing NWS Dean manip of doom:
tsosh You have to see this! *dies*

And HAWT!H/D fic of doom:
tigersilver's Fourth

Please let me know if I missed anyone! ♥

*loves you all forever*

*flist: love

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