I fucking hate you go fucking die

Oct 21, 2006 20:25

So my idiot comm teacher is trying to make me write a 5-7 min extempt speech on why or why not you should vote on a proposition of my choice. Oh and it has to be persuasive. First off, I have absotlutely no problem writing speeches, three years of Varsity Debate took care of that, however, I don't vote. I don't ever plan on voting not only because I don't believe in the route this country is taking but because I don't want to get jury duty. So I refuse to "persuade" anyone to do something I myself will not do. It's one of those moral thingies I though I got rid off... And he won't let me change the topic, on top of the fact he keeps saying "Cuz, everyone's registered to vote right?" Which makes me want to say "Hey bitch face, if I wanted someone to nag me about my right NOT to vote I'd call my mother. I don't believe I pay you to impose your morality on me." I think he did extempt in debate cuz he keeps bringing that up, "In debate they're only given 30 min you guys have 10 days, blah blah blah." They sign up for that shit. I did oratory jack ass and kicked the shit out of every extempter who tried to enter my realm. Jack ass. I'm just going to give a speech on how if you decide to vote pull your head out of your ass and research what it is you're voting on rather than going based on your emotions. That or why you shouldn't force morality on your students cuz they might hunt you down and kill you in your sleep then feed you to their ferrets. Either or :D.

Ugh must go work on Business homework blah, another fucking business plan only this one actually has to be legit, fuck it all to hell. Oh and does anyone know where I could get some software or something that lets you have that little bouncy ball sing along thing??


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