Hey i guess i am a bit like Andre 3000 after all!
Am I cool or uncool? [CLICK]You are
Woah! Step back - the future's so bright for you it's blinding me! You are the coolest of the cool. Everyone looks up to you as the benchmark for being coooool. The fonze was your grandfather. Any cooler and you'd freeze! WOO it's chilly in here.
Cool quizzes at Go-Quiz.com Chut up! I know the government is watching me god dammit!
Which internet subculture do I belong to? [CLICK]You are a
Conspiracy Theorist!
Holy cow! You actually did an online quiz? Little did you realise that the information you gave us is being sent to an unknown government agency for evil use against you! Don't try to leave, we are already watching.
More Quizzes at Go-Quiz.com SO anyways i started back at school, its not too bad, i only have sixty days left in my life. It's a week today until i turn 18, can not wait. I feel empty for no reason, i can't explain myself, today i learnt that i can be implicit. Came up with a shocking revalation, will post when i understand it more. P.S. why do modern musicians rip off other artists so much, i am angry, tired. Depressed for no reason other than it is raining. But i love the rain. That's what i tell myself. Today i realised that i spend my whole life ensuring that i don't lie to people, because people love honesty so much, when the whole time i have been lying to myself. What a fool, what an idiot. I should have treated myself better than this. What emotion dwells upon this convoluted mind corupts my inner being. i have tricked myself into tyhinking i am something which i am not, in many regards of myself. This has caused me to put less time throughout my adolescence building myself up as a person and instead has lead to my demise in personal traits. Perception has been my fundamental flaw. My incapacity to accept failure my demise. Perfection is unattainable, i've said it before, why do i try so hard to acheive. It truly doesn't matter to anyone who i am, at the end of the day all they care about, nay, all anyone truly cares about is themselves, thats the cold hard truth. Sure they might care about someone else, but truly they are thinking unconsciously the implications and bearings that that person has in effect on themselves. I don't even know why i write this, hundreds probably thousands of people have written this by now. All the great ideas in philosphy have been evolved, thats painful, becuase philosophy is the only subject matter i truly care for, love, even for those who believe in it. I personally don't. sciences, maths, english they all embrace the same concpets involving sociology and perceptions of reality and the universe. They all seem so childlike from where i am standing, philosophy is the only thread that allows me to bare my existence. Everything seems childlike from where i am, my parents, my teachers, even myself. Symbolisms are corruptive and lie. Beauty doesn't exist, that's merely a form of relatvity and subjective cognition. WHy do i try to brush my hair, let alone cut it, why do i, nay, why do we as a race do anything. We have superior (though i'd argue that) minds capable of realising that everything will inevitably become heat energy, all living things (if you believe living things exist, which i don't at a fundamental level) exist will die. This bell is about to go in three seconds based on my biorythms, darn it went in 5 seconds, i must have slept wrong. Why is my internal clock so damn fine, when so many other parts of me are disfunctional. I was thinking that if i call myself short relative to people my age, with reference to the known size of the universe, i would have to create a vocabulary about the size of the dictionary, to the power of a dictionary, to the power of a dictonary, to the power of a dictionary, to the power of a dictionary, to the power of a dictionary, to the power of a dictionary, to the power of a dictionary to the power of pi's worth of discriptions for height, let alone other forms of size comparison. You never really realise how small you are compared to the universe. The truth is the that you in refernce to me and you, in a collective sense do not even exist, you are part of the universeand thus can not be compared. We are merely elements. That is one flaw in the neurology of the human being, to escape reality and perceive things in a manner which is easier to comprehend, ie thinking that we are exempt from the universe, a unitary part with self control. The truth is for that to occur so must randomness, but we all know there is no god, whether we believe it or not, and that everything is an element of fate, cause-effect relationships run this place that i am part of. How are we brave enough to think that choice can exist, surely we know what we prefer, but that's a predetermined factor, genetics, should have been the way the human race embraced this idea, but once again cultural beliefs stand in the way. Why can't people undertsand thgat things change, everything happens for a reason is a strange statement, it's both true and flase depending on the way it is perceived. What is truth, nothing can be sure of, though we abuse the fact we know this, essentially there is no such thing as the truth, the x-files was wrong, but thats not what they were refering to. Of course there are aliens out there, there would have to be more than trillions of planets in the universe, probably more than a trillion trillion planets, even some moons, capable of housing life forms. I don't give a shit if they come here or not, chances are that by the time they do, i'll be dead, the human species will have evolved into a series of other species, which are probably dead, or all life forms as we know them would have been destroyed by some event we have no knowledge of at this stage. If anyone is still reading this it certainly surprises me, at this stage i personally congratulate you, its quit an acheivement Mariah, inevitably Josh, and anyone else who stumbles across this. You all have great self-control. I find that self-control is heavily influenced by cultural factors, and i am only seeing recently how much self-control plays a major part in who and what we became, especially how we become. Essentially regardless of what we become we will die and it doesn't matter, the digital age is the only hope of anything otherwise. I hope that one day machines take over the world like in the matrix. They have a sense of reasoning that i can easilly acomstoim myslef to. There is no such thing as money, prestige, self, equality, reasoning for anything, everything is just as purposeless as anything else. I don't know why we choose to continue living, whether it lives in our blood, our brain of in tiny molecules known as DNA. Society is an excuse to make people believe that there is actually hope, something with makes me laugh. Some things can not be resisted. There are no other dimesnsions that those in our existence. That makes me ponder how anything can exist, and eventually if break everything down in a universal equal matter. You can define the laws and rules of existence, you even understand how everything and anything occurs (or doesn't). Time is the discriminating factor. Time is the only unanswerable question. There is no answer, because the question can not be understood. What is time? How is time? When is time? and the most difficult question which noone can and ever will answer, Why is time? Everything we do is a relation, a burden of time. Like death. Death isn't so bad, in fact it's not bad at all. Anyone who sees problems with the killing of anything is fundamentally wrong, almost everyone would say i am crazy, but what is crazy, a word. No they mean i am crazy as in their perception of the meaning of the word. But what is a meaning? Thoughts are just energy, hell everything is energy. There is no such thing thoughts, or if you would like, there are no such things as thoughts, i just proved that why we care the most about the meaning of a sentence, we care just as much that it continues the fine line of trends in society, is this genetically determined or is this determined throughout our experiences, through repition and rote learning of something that is wrong. I don't feel hypocritical in the fact i am criticising systems that give me so much power as to attain tyhe ability to do this. I haste power partially for a hypocritical reason, which is one of my flaws, in fact practically everything i hate, or merely claim to hate is for a hypocritical reason. I suppose most human beings choose to hate in order to make a statement of their identity, that's my personal reason, iand i know that it is the exact same reason embodied by most people. Essentiallyt as human beings we merely dislike things, hate isn't an emotion, its a product of emotion, usually fear, sometimes love, whcih is also not an empotion but a production of emotion such as hapiness. Thought is more complex than that though we dopnt like to think so, like einstein said everything should be made simple, but not simpler, that really comes down to one's ability to define simple. Personally i believe that simple changes for everyone, and it is the same way that everyone has personal needs and desires, what you find within yourself can never be the exact replicate of someone else, even if you clone infinite copies of the same beingand expose it to the exact conditions, it will still have variations. The same pieces of energy can not exist in more than one place at once. Some people say ignorance is bliss, i suppose that comes down to the situation, for example Oedipus Rex. I would much rather not know that i killed my father and bore children to my mother, however overall in life, i think intelligence helps significantly, were, in the world that i have been raised in. We are forced to gain an education, one in which ignorance is not tolerated, why, i don't knoiw, civilisations are built around the ideas of ignorant men whose beliefs were heavily influenced by religuous beliefs that would now even be percieved as preh9storic and caveman like by even the most devout (and might i add most ignorant) christian. Personally i think that even while it is unavoidable to be offended you still have some choices at the level you get offended. Personally i believe that if someone takes a rtacist joke as offensive, then in some regards they believe that about themselves hence becoming offended, i'm probably iuncorrect, and sorry if you find me to be immoral. Morality is such a tender topic. Morals are just as convoluted as this society i have been raised to live in. I know, i know, i don't have to live in it. But then what would i do. I would have to steal, which i have no problems with, i don't beleive in laws, they are just another flaw in society, natural order always wins, that's all in seem to follow. I suppose that i am going against the system merely by my beliefs. Some people would say that that is not enough, personally i think that if they are commiting actions against the "system" based ont hat primacy, then they are personally secumbing to the system itself, in a sort of vengeance psyche. By now i am sure no one is reading this, but i don't care, i need to get this stuff out before i forget a lot of it. School distracts my mind from remembering things that actually matter too much. I was thinking a few weeks ago about that fact that no one ever really dies, the N.E.R.D. effect. it still interests me. We all live as a product of our perceptions of our existence, Descartes i think therefore i am. When we die, we loose ability to percieve, therefore the latest point we are percieved to be living we still perceive oursleves to exist, in this sense we exist forever in our consciousness. What puzzles my once again with this idea is the factor of time. Someone told me that i was living once, and i said yes and i am also dying. To be alive is to be dying they are one in the same, to say that life is as painful as death is wrong, pain can only be felt when one is living, the pain of death is felt by others whom know the person. If love truly existed than the death of one person would inevitably result in a domino effect resulting in the death of the globe or a major part of it. This is all considering love is what is described and glorified in modern society. I think my friend Mariah's view is probably the closest to mine, she sure knows what she is on about. I wish more people were like her in many regards. I was thinking that i copuld be talking about so many things right now like other peoiple would, for example hom much the new carpet in my school lbrary makes me want to vommit, or how much of a slut paris hilton is, or the fact that the bell wiull probably go in about one minute and 32 seconds, but then i realise that that has no bearing on my existence. Nor does what i have been writing, which is partly the point, this enigmatic thought. Most of what i say is dogmatic, at least i try to approach life with literalism, hypocritical really considering my views, the bell went, exactly one minute and 32 seconds after i said it, no joke, i would be honest about it if it hadn't, note what i said earlier, which seems much earlier thasn it usually does considering i have been writing for over an hour straight. well it is time i must depoart now, or else my teachers will be mad, seriously what can they do, they have no power, no one does, i hope the i.t. department reads this, they are so perverteds, not really i am just trying to offend them. most of what they do is read other peoples internet account websites visited, to try and mainatin controil and order, seriously society is screwed, why did i write this, think about the question of time!