Scraggy Bombin' Florida Super Con

Jun 08, 2009 03:27

Like everything lately, Florida Super Con kind of sprang up last minute. I wanted to go, but then didn't because it costs money, and I like money. But then Arin got a free pass, and I was able to get one fairly easily as well, and away we went! We got there super late Friday evening which was fine because the place was a ghost town. Seriously, I parked like 2 feet away from the hotel lobby, ample parking my friends. We stayed in the hotel lobby cruising the internets on our Facey Spaces and Hulus and whatnot until the next morning. After breakfast with the King, we headed back to the con for some fun under the sunshine state's time of the year to rain like mad during the afternoon. My free pass to the con came with a heavy price, I was asked to volunteer in the game room and oversee things during some tournaments which was fine because that's pretty much ALL I ever do at cons, so it was a win-win situation. Later on in the afternoon Arin and I teamed up for some Scraggy-bombing. A Scraggy Bomb is when you ask a cosplayer to pose for a photograph, and while taking their picture, you have a saboteur in the background do something hilarious to screw up the photo. I must say, taking a photo and keeping a straight face while all of this was going on was excruciating. They can all be viewed at the Florida Super Con set on my Flickr here

Here are a few highlights:
Supergirl's other weakness, Arin.

This here is Dana Snyder, the voice of Master Shake from Aqua Teen Hunger Force. Apparently when we were walking around late night on Friday after the con shut down he was in the group we were with and didn't even realize it!


Saturday evening we hung out with Michael Swain from Newgrounds who's handshake was probably one of the most satisfying handshakes I've ever had.

Years and years ago, my mom drilled into my head the proper way to shake someone's hands. Lock hands, give a firm squeeze, and give one swift pump maintaining eye contact the entire time. Most people either don't throw their hand in all the way, so you end up crushing their fingers with your firm grip. Or when you do manage to lock it in real nice, their hand grip has the strength of an 8 year old girl. Or they don't look you in the eye, also bad. Swain doesn't mess around when it comes to handshakes. Or dinner, which is why we ate at none other than Dan Marino's Fine Food and Spirits in downtown Sunset Drive in Miami. Swain, Arin, and myself had a Kobe Beef burger with fries and it was DELICIOUS. Eat that vegans! Oh wait, you won't! Sucks to be you, ah hahahaha.

Arin and I spent the night at Swain's that evening then it was off to the con at the crack of noon, spending most of the time in the dealer's room where Arin made a respectable killing doing commissions for whatever random fan walking by that recognized him.

Tomorrow I'm taking my uncle JP to the dog track, they had some story on the news the other day about the Preakness race being held there and he took an interest in the place so I offered to take him there. While there I'm going to see if one of the kennel owners can hook me up with a job at their kennels down the street from the dog track, I've looked high and low in the local area and can't for the life of me seem to find a place that is hiring. Wish me luck! D:
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