My diet as of the last 24 hours.. seriously scary shit here peoples

Dec 01, 2008 00:12

ok so i was joking around with a friend discussing our essay/exam diets and this is what mine looked like (and no i kid you not this is really what i've had in the last 24 hours.

ok so starting around 12 am YESTERDAY (nov. 30th) i was having my upteenth coke of the 29th.

around 7am when i woke up i had my 2nd of the day.. for breakfast.
around 11:30am i was on my second along with a bag of chips pre-work
around 2:30 i was finishing said bag of chips (like halloween sized people!) and having my now 3rd can of coke.
7pm ish when i get home from work i'm having my wind-down coke
8pmish im having my coke with dinner, along iwth mozzarella and scalloped potatoes (yep thats right people)
9pmish have my coke as i watch HP and write this darned poli/law essay that is STILL KICKING MY ASS
11pmish have my "omg this is killing me" can of coke
11:45ish im on my what coke of the last 24 hours?? oh uhm 8?! (so now currently Dec. 1st 2008)

and i wonder why i have a wall of coke cans 4 wide and now 4 high from the last 2-3 days, not counting the ones downstairs...or elsewhere around my room *headdesk*

coke owes me BIGTIME

life, school

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