So today marked the OH GOD 3 WEEKS UNTIL I LEAVE AHHHHHHHH mark. I'm taking myself off AIM etc etc while at home so I can attempt to get shit done.
One of those things is
ele_mentality. Remember that time I did NaNo and actually made the 50,000 word count even without writing the full friggin' novel? This is me postin' up my worldbuilding as I make it up. Basically it's there so I can edit it anywhere easily. Also it looks shiny. But hey, feel free to check in on it every now and again and offer ideas and crit. I'd appreciate that a lot.
All right homies, I'll be around on AIM at work, though I might be slow replying (since SOMEtimes I actually do have to work). If you need me or want to talk to me outside of that, shoot me an email. Peace ♥