paintingtheseconds: another freakout

Jan 26, 2008 01:00

this is what happens when i hear that
imagine this
a shaking hulk of human being hunched over a CD player/laptop with headphones on, eyes fixated on a single point and unblinking/blinking rapidly, focused so deep that no other sound poses any distraction. the music is loud enough to engulf his environment but not loud enough to disturb anyone else
his jaw is locked tight enough to hurt
and he is holding a hand on the Skip button
on the mouse
frantically skipping from song to song before they can fully end, terrified of the in between
the moment between songs when all is silent and he can hear
when he can hear them

mustnothearmustnothearimustnothearimustbedeaf he continually changes songs ignoring endings ignoring words ignoring everything except the desperation the frantic race against silence- and their sounds

whether he wins the battle depends upon sleep and battery life
round 64: go

(why does this happen to me what's wrong with my mind)


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